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Secretary-General, in Video Message to Global Staff Meeting in New York, Commends Work of United Nations Population Fund

8 November 2010
Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York

Secretary-General, in Video Message to Global Staff Meeting in New York,


Commends Work of United Nations Population Fund


This is the text of the video message by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) global staff meeting, in New York on 7 November:

Dr. [Thoraya Ahmed] Obaid [UNFPA Executive Director], dear colleagues and friends, it is a pleasure to send my best wishes for your global staff meeting.

Whether you are fighting political battles, supporting a country’s census, or providing life-saving medical care, UNFPA staff are the United Nations at its best.  You meet this year at an exciting time.  The world is waking up to the link between reproductive health and development.

In September, I launched our new Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s health.  Our partners pledged $40 billion.  UNFPA has played a vital role in bringing us to this point.  You have advanced policy, legislation and practice, and raised awareness of population and reproductive rights.  You should be proud of this achievement.

Over the past 10 years, Dr. Thoraya Ahmed Obaid has taken UNFPA’s agenda right to the heart of national and global development policies.  She has strengthened the Fund’s role at global, regional and country levels.  And she has fearlessly challenged stereotypes and broken down barriers at every step.  We have all learned from her culturally sensitive, human rights-based approach.

Looking ahead, UNFPA will have a vital role in supporting the work of our new agency, UN Women, which has tremendous potential to advance our entire development agenda.  I thank you, Dr. Obaid, and everyone at UNFPA, for all that you do.  I wish you a productive meeting.

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For information media • not an official record
For information media. Not an official record.