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Secretary-General, in Message to World Energy Congress, Stresses Importance of Addressing Related Infrastructure Needs in Developing World

13 September 2010
Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York

Secretary-General, in Message to World Energy Congress, Stresses Importance


of Addressing Related Infrastructure Needs in Developing World


Following is UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s video message to the World Energy Congress in Montreal, on 12 September:

Chairman of the World Energy Council, Pierre Gaddoneix, distinguished ministers, business leaders and experts,

C’est avec plaisir que je transmets mes salutations aux participants du Congrès Mondial de l’Énergie à Montréal.

Energy has dramatically changed our world.  In developed countries, everyday comforts such as electricity, light, motorized transport, running water and sanitation are taken for granted.

But such benefits have yet to reach billions of people in the developing world.  In particular, most rural citizens are deprived of modern energy services and the health, education and job opportunities they provide.  It will be almost impossible to keep the promise of the Millennium Development Goals unless we pay urgent attention to energy and related infrastructure needs in developing countries.

And we will not beat the climate challenge until clean and renewable energy and energy efficiency provide a firm foundation for our energy needs.  My High-Level Advisory Group on Energy and Climate Change has recommended two bold targets — universal energy access and a 40 per cent increase in energy efficiency by 2030.

These targets can be achieved.  To realize them, and all our energy goals, the United Nations counts on partners such as the World Energy Council.  We rely on your hands-on expertise, your capacity for research, advocacy and action.

You, yourselves, are a mighty source of energy — 3,000 member organizations in 90 countries.  With your help, we can bring clean, affordable energy to billions of the world’s most needy people.  With your help we can create a sustainable energy future.

I wish you a successful meeting.

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For information media • not an official record
For information media. Not an official record.