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Secretary-General, at Indian Classical Music Event, Underscores Need to Strengthen Bonds of Common Humanity, Support Those Striving for Peace

13 September 2010
Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York

Secretary-General, at Indian Classical Music Event, Underscores Need to Strengthen

Bonds of Common Humanity, Support Those Striving for Peace


Following are UN Secretary-General Ban Ki moon’s remarks, as prepared for delivery, at the Indian classical music concert by Amjad Ali Khan, Ode to Peace, on 9 September:

It is a great pleasure to be here with you this evening.

It is not often that we have the opportunity to gather together to enjoy such a unique performance.

I thank the Permanent Mission of India for organizing this event to commemorate the attacks on the United States that took place on 11 September 2001.

It has never been more important to come together against the forces which brought about those events.  Terrorism.  Extremism.  Fundamentalism.  We have seen the devastating impact of terrorism in Mumbai and Madrid, Nairobi and New York, London and Lahore.  We have seen the destabilizing effect of extremism in Somalia and Iraq, in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

These crimes against innocent women and men are also assaults on our fundamental values — peace, tolerance, justice and human rights.  We must condemn them.  But we must also work for a remedy.  We must work together to create a world where extremism is not an option, where radicalization has no appeal.  A world based on mutual respect and the fundamental values expressed in the United Nations Charter.

Our world is full of conflict and unrest.  Our headlines speak daily of violence, danger and need.  Here at the United Nations, our work is often dominated by the most distressing and disturbing elements of the human story.  But there is another side.  Everywhere, ordinary people yearn for, work for and make peace.  Our job is to support them.  To strengthen the bonds of common humanity.  We strive every day in these rooms to fight prejudice and misunderstanding.  We promote peace through diplomacy, dialogue, discussion.

This house is home to many cultures, many languages.  Among them, one language transcends all.  Music.  A language we can all understand.  A language that unites hearts and minds in celebration of the finest expression of the human spirit.

Maestro Khan, I look forward to hearing your Ode to Peace.

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For information media • not an official record
For information media. Not an official record.