In progress at UNHQ


In Response to Pakistan Flood Disaster, Secretary-General Dispatches Special Envoy to Assess Situation, Help Mobilize Support for Immediate Needs, Early Recovery

4 August 2010
Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York

In Response to Pakistan Flood Disaster, Secretary-General Dispatches Special Envoy


to Assess Situation, Help Mobilize Support for Immediate Needs, Early Recovery


The following statement was issued today by the Spokesperson for UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon:

In response to the tragic flood disaster in Pakistan, the Secretary-General has asked his Special Envoy for Assistance to Pakistan, Jean-Maurice Ripert, to travel to the country as soon as possible.  Mr. Ripert will arrive in Pakistan tomorrow.  He will join the United Nations country team already engaged in the relief operations and jointly assess the situation with the United Nations team and Pakistani agencies on the ground.  The Special Envoy, along with the United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator and Resident Coordinator, will help mobilize support from the international community to assist the Government of Pakistan in addressing the urgent, immediate needs of the population in the affected areas and in planning for the early recovery and reconstruction period.  The Special Envoy will report to the Secretary-General on the situation and the ongoing relief efforts.

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For information media • not an official record
For information media. Not an official record.