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Secretary-General’s Video Message for Symposium on Human Security Stresses Right to Enjoy Freedom from Fear, Want, while Living in Dignity

15 July 2010
Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York

Secretary-General’s Video Message for Symposium on Human Security Stresses

Right to Enjoy Freedom from Fear, Want, while Living in Dignity


Following is the text of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s video message for the Symposium on Human Security, in Tokyo today, 15 July:

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Thank you for coming together to deepen our understanding of human security.

More than ever, we live in an interconnected world.  Today’s crises transcend borders.  They threaten the lives and livelihoods of millions of men, women and children.  They increase human insecurity and undermine progress towards the Millennium Development Goals.

In September, world leaders will gather to push for further progress of the Millennium Development Goals.  Your Symposium can help inform and advance those discussions.  I know you are building on significant gains in promoting the concept of human security.

In May, the General Assembly held its first formal debate on the subject, and I thank Member States for their commitment to advancing our efforts in this area.  I also commend the contributions of the Government of Japan, including its support for the United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security, as well as the Commission and the Advisory Board on Human Security.  Both have benefited enormously from the valuable guidance of Mrs. Sadako Ogata.

Everyone has a right to enjoy freedom from fear, freedom from want and freedom to live in dignity.  These mutually reinforcing aspirations are at the heart of human security and our mission to build a better world for all.

I look forward to continuing this important work and I wish you a successful discussion.

Thank you.

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For information media • not an official record
For information media. Not an official record.