In progress at UNHQ


‘No Woman, No Cry’ Sends Apt Message: No Woman Should Lose Child in Childbirth, No One Should Suffer Lack of Adequate Medical Care, Says Secretary-General

7 July 2010
Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York

‘No Woman, No Cry’ Sends Apt Message:  No Woman Should Lose Child in Childbirth,


No One Should Suffer Lack of Adequate Medical Care, Says Secretary-General


Following are UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s remarks, as prepared for delivery, at the screening of No Woman No Cry, on 6 July, in New York:

Thank you, Mr. [Tore] Godal [Special Adviser on Global Health to the Prime Minister of Norway], and Ambassador [Morten] Wetland for Norway's leadership on global health.  And thank you, Ms. [Christy] Turlington, for your efforts to draw attention to maternal health.  As you have very eloquently reminded us, “every mother counts”.

Each year, millions of women and children die needlessly.  We know how to save their lives:  we can do it with quality health systems, qualified medical staff, information and tools for preventing and treating diseases such as malaria and HIV/AIDS.

We also know that simple and affordable prevention can go a long way.  That means family planning, vaccines, bed nets — basics that no woman should go without.

Investing in the health of women and children is one of the best investments we can make.  It is the right thing to do, and it will pay dividends many times over:  in peace, in prosperity, in progress.  That is why the United Nations has launched the Joint Effort for Women's and Children's Health.

It is a road map that all can agree on.  But it needs all partners to do their part:  Governments, the private sector, foundations, non-governmental organizations, international organizations, the creative community.

The creative community has a major role to play in advancing United Nations goals and values.  I may be able to meet presidents, prime ministers, kings and queens.  But the reality is that my audience is much smaller than stars such as you and your colleagues can reach, Ms. Turlington!  Your help in highlighting one of the world's major challenges is very important.

No Woman, No Cry sends a timely message.  No woman should have to cry about losing a child in childbirth.  No woman, or man for that matter, should have to cry for lack of adequate medical care.

Together, we can bring about real change. Together, we can deliver on the promise of health for all women and children.  As Bob Marley himself said:  “Don't give up the fight”.

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For information media • not an official record
For information media. Not an official record.