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Secretary-General, ‘Deeply Shocked’ by Human Rights Defender’s Death in Democratic Republic of Congo, Offers Help with Investigation

3 June 2010
Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York

Secretary-General, ‘Deeply Shocked’ by Human Rights Defender’s Death


in Democratic Republic of Congo, Offers Help with Investigation


The following statement was issued today by the Spokesperson for UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon:

The Secretary-General was deeply shocked to learn of the death in Kinshasa of Floribert Chebeya, President of La Voix des Sans Voix (The Voice of the Voiceless).  Mr. Chebeya was a well-known and widely respected human rights defender in the Democratic Republic of Congo.  His reputation as a champion of human rights earned him the respect and admiration of his compatriots and of the international community.   His work will be remembered as a tribute to Congolese perseverance.

The Secretary-General has noted the statement issued today by the Congolese Minister of Interior ordering the State security services to investigate the troubling death of Mr. Chebeya in unclear circumstances.  The Secretary-General stresses that investigation of this and all such cases should be thorough, transparent and independent, with full respect for due process and rule of law.  The United Nations, through the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC), is prepared to assist such an investigation, if requested.

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For information media • not an official record
For information media. Not an official record.