Secretary-General Commends Conference for Working towards Integration of Risk Reduction with Sustainable Development, Climate Change, Disaster Management
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Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York |
Secretary-General Commends Conference for Working towards Integration of Risk
Reduction with Sustainable Development, Climate Change, Disaster Management
Following is UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s message to the International Disaster and Risk Conference, to be held in Davos on 30 May:
With the earthquake in Haiti and other disasters, this year began with tragic reminders of the vulnerability of societies and the complexities inherent in any response.
This is also an important year for global efforts to address development, climate change and the nexus between the two. In September, I will convene a Summit on the Millennium Development Goals at United Nations Headquarters in New York. In December, Governments will gather for the sixteenth Conference of Parties climate change meeting in Cancun, Mexico.
Disaster risk reduction can help to advance progress across this agenda. By focusing on the linkages, we can achieve a triple win by reducing the impact of disasters, adapting to climate change and safeguarding our development gains.
I commend the participants in this Conference for working towards the harmonization and integration of risk reduction with sustainable development, climate change and disaster management. The engagement of so many actors at this event is in line with the inclusive nature of the Hyogo Framework for Action. The participation of the private sector shows clear interest in increasing public-private partnerships for a more resilient world.
I also salute your initiative in launching the 2010-2011 World Disaster Reduction Campaign “Making Cities Resilient: My City is Getting Ready”. I encourage all cities to join, following the examples of Bonn, Mexico City, Saint-Louis in Senegal, Larreynaga-Malpaisillo in Nicaragua, Albay in the Philippines, Baofeng in China, and Karlstad in Sweden, which joined earlier today. And I recognize Davos for its leadership in joining the campaign.
Thank you again for your support, and please accept my best wishes for a successful Conference.
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For information media • not an official record