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Secretary-General, at Launch of ‘MASSIVEGOOD’ Initiative on Innovative Finance for Health, Underlines Need to Supplement Traditional Funding Sources

4 March 2010
Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York

Secretary-General, at Launch of ‘MASSIVEGOOD’ Initiative on Innovative Finance

for Health, Underlines Need to Supplement Traditional Funding Sources

Following are UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s remarks at the launch of the “MASSIVEGOOD” initiative on innovative finance for health, in New York, 4 March:

I am grateful to the many participants who are here today to show their support for MASSIVEGOOD -- the new initiative to mobilize voluntary contributions for health in developing countries.

The 2015 deadline for achieving the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) is fast approaching.  We are making progress on some of the Goals, but standing still on the others.  We need to mobilize resources and political will.

Innovative financing solutions have multiplied in recent years to respond to the need for funds for global health.  Traditional sources of funding like official development assistance (ODA) are vital, but they are not enough, particularly during the global economic slowdown.  We need to supplement these sources if we are to meet the MDGs.  That is why I welcome MASSIVEGOOD.

We only have five years.  We must start making an impact -- right now.  MASSIVEGOOD is a simple idea.  People will be invited to make a small contribution of about $2 every time they buy a plane ticket, book a hotel room or hire a car.

Today’s launch in the United States will be followed by expansion to European countries and then elsewhere.  We hope MASSIVEGOOD will become a truly global phenomenon.  The money raised will be used to help solve health problems -- to fight HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis, and improve maternal and child health in developing countries.

The individual contributions may be small.  But the thinking is big.  Through this partnership between United Nations agencies and the travel business, ordinary people will have the opportunity to do massive good for global health.

The health-related MDGs are the Goals on which we are lagging behind.  But they are the key to all our development work.  Health is absolutely fundamental to social and economic progress.

I thank my Special Adviser, Philippe Douste-Blazy, and the Millennium Foundation for their involvement in this initiative.

As you know, we will convene an MDG Summit in September to underline the message that we need results now.  I look forward to the role that MASSIVEGOOD will play in this effort.  I am counting on all partners to make the Summit a success.

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For information media • not an official record
For information media. Not an official record.