In progress at UNHQ


Secretary-General Calls on Togo Political Leaders to Ensure 4 March Presidential Election Credible, Peaceful, Reflects ‘Will of the People’

2 March 2010
Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York

Secretary-General Calls on Togo Political Leaders to Ensure 4 March Presidential

Election Credible, Peaceful, Reflects ‘Will of the People’


The following statement was issued today by the Spokesperson for UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon:

The presidential election scheduled to take place in Togo on 4 March offers a crucial opportunity for the country to continue to strengthen its democratic institutions, and foster national cohesion, stability and sustainable development.

The Secretary-General calls on all political leaders and institutions to ensure that the election is credible and peaceful and reflects the will of the people of Togo.  He calls on all segments of society to refrain from any action likely to exacerbate tensions before, during or following the poll.  The Secretary-General reiterates the continued commitment of the United Nations to support the electoral process in Togo.

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For information media • not an official record
For information media. Not an official record.