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Provisional Result of Ivorian Presidential Elections to Be Announced Today; Ballot ‘Marked by Enthusiasm, Respect for Democratic Principles’, Security Council Told

3 November 2010
Security CouncilSC/10075
Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York

Security Council

6415th Meeting (AM)

Provisional Result of Ivorian Presidential Elections to Be Announced Today; Ballot

‘Marked by Enthusiasm, Respect for Democratic Principles’, Security Council Told

The 31 October presidential elections in Côte d’Ivoire were “marked as much by the enthusiasm of the population as by the respect for democratic principles”, the Head of the United Nations Mission there told the Security Council this morning, adding that voters’ turnout of around 80 per cent was one of the highest in the world.

Addressing the Council via a video teleconference from Abidjan, Choi Young-Jin, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire (UNOCI), said no major human rights violation had been recorded during the voting, which was impressive given that reunification was yet to be realized.  “The Ivorian people rose to the challenge of elections successfully, showing the international community their political maturity and determination to put an end to the crisis,” he told the 15-member body.

The electoral campaign, “aroused passions and emotions, but was conducted in a peaceful environment throughout the country, thanks to the good sense of discipline and mutual respect demonstrated by all”, he said, adding that the campaign, launched on 15 October, had been conducted in line with the code of conduct signed by the political parties in April 2008 under the auspices of United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

He informed the Council that the provisional result of the election would be announced by the Independent Electoral Commission today, at the latest.  Yesterday, on 2 November, the Commission had begun announcing partial preliminary results and had so far publicly counted 2.5 million votes.  The United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire had provided, and continued to provide, technical and logistical support to the Independent Electoral Commission, including the transport of voting reports to the Commission’s centre in Abidjan.

He said the final result of the election was planned to be proclaimed by the Constitutional Council by 10 November.  Should no candidate receive a majority of votes during the first round, a second round would be necessary.  In that case the second round would be held on 28 November, with campaigning starting on 12 November.

Leading up to the election, he said a major breakthrough had been the establishment on 9 September of a voters’ list comprising more than 5.7 million people, which he had “explicitly” certified on 24 September.  Since 7 October, registered Ivorians had started to collect their voter’s cards, as well as their identity cards.  The distribution operation had been conducted successfully.

The events around the preparation for the election are described in the Secretary-General’s report contained in document S/2010/537.  In it, the Secretary-General says that his next regular report, which will be issued in November, will provide adetailed assessment of the first round of the presidential elections and issues regarding the next steps in Côte d’Ivoire, including arrangements for determining the future direction of UNOCI.  By its resolution 1933 (2010), the Security Council had extended the mandate of UNOCI until 31 December.

The meeting started at 10:07 a.m. and ended at 10:15 a.m.

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For information media • not an official record
For information media. Not an official record.