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Rededication to Cause of Peace, United Nations Charter Best Way to Honour Those Lost to War, Secretary-General says in Message to World Veterans Federation

19 October 2009
Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York

Rededication to Cause of Peace, United Nations Charter Best Way to Honour Those


Lost to War, Secretary-General says in Message to World Veterans Federation

Following is the text of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s message to the twenty-sixth General Assembly of the World Veterans Federation, in Copenhagen today, 19 October:

I send my greetings to the veterans and victims of war who have gathered in Copenhagen for the twenty-sixth General Assembly of the World Veterans Federation.

Yours is a unique grouping.  You bring together former belligerents, the enemies of yesterday, to reconcile and to become friends today, and to work for a peaceful tomorrow.

Last year you organized a Veterans Walk for Peace to promote the International Day of Peace.  This event, which spanned the globe, was a moving testimonial to the need for us all to interact with respect and to resolve our differences without resorting to conflict.

Few speak with more authority on this than those, like you, who know the face of war.  That is why your work to promote disarmament, advance human rights and strengthen peaceful settlement of international disputes is vital.  So too is the need for societies to take measures to rehabilitate former soldiers and integrate them into society, and to remember those who have been lost.

I know that, among your number, you count former personnel of United Nations peacekeeping missions.  At United Nations Headquarters, we have a memorial to those who have given their lives in the service of the Organization.  The inscription on the memorial is simple: remember here those who gave their lives for peace.

The best way to remember our dead, and indeed all those who have been lost in war, is to rededicate ourselves to the cause of peace and to the daily work so eloquently set out in the Charter of the United Nations: the work of saving succeeding generations from the scourge of war.

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For information media • not an official record
For information media. Not an official record.