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In Statement to Global Renewable Energy Forum, Secretary-General Says Green Growth Yields ‘Enormous Benefits,’ Including New Jobs, Improved Food Security

7 October 2009
Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York

In Statement to Global Renewable Energy Forum, Secretary-General Says Green Growth

Yields ‘Enormous Benefits’, Including New Jobs, Improved Food Security

Following is the text of the statement by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to the 2009 Global Renewable Energy Forum delivered by Magdy Martínez-Soliman, United Nations Resident Coordinator in Mexico, in León, Mexico, today, 7 October:

I am pleased to greet all those participating in the 2009 Global Renewable Energy Forum.  I thank the Government of Mexico, which has organized this gathering with the support of United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), and all who have taken the time to be here today.

This Forum presents an important opportunity to generate political and public support for addressing today’s pressing environmental challenges and for expanding the development and use of renewable energy in Latin America and the Caribbean.  With only two months remaining until the climate change conference in Copenhagen, this Global Forum can re-affirm the urgent need to shift towards low-carbon and resource-efficient economies.

Our goal is to “seal the deal” in Copenhagen.  A deal that is ambitious, comprehensive and equitable, so all citizens of the world, whether in industrialized or developing countries, can live in an environmentally sustainable way.  A deal that can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and limit global temperature rise to a scientifically safe level.  A deal that will help to protect those who are most vulnerable from inevitable climate impacts.  A deal that can catalyse clean energy growth.

Green growth is sustainable growth.  We need businesses that understand, develop and invest in renewable energy sources.  We need policies that encourage and actively support this.  We need a global public investment programme for renewable energy with appropriate technology transfer.  We need everyone to understand the enormous benefits that green growth can bring in the form of new jobs, less pollution, better public health and improved food security.

The pursuit of energy efficiency and the expansion of renewable energy are not an indulgence for wealthy nations.  They are a tool for all.  They can promote clean development and de-link economic growth from rising greenhouse gas emissions.  Most importantly, they can help to reduce poverty and empower billions of people whose development is held back by a lack of access to affordable electricity.

This Global Forum will consider policies, technologies, financing mechanisms and institutional frameworks that can scale up renewable energy and move economies away from carbon-intensive energy strategies.  It can contribute to forging the climate change agreement in Copenhagen that the world so urgently needs.  I wish you every success in your deliberations.

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For information media • not an official record
For information media. Not an official record.