In progress at UNHQ



5 May 2008
Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York

arab broadcasters in TWENTY-FIRST century have power to influence hearts, minds,

says Secretary-General in message to abu dhabi forum


Following is the text of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s video message to the Arab Broadcast Forum in Abu Dhabi, 4–5 May:

Asalamu alaykum.

I am grateful for this opportunity to speak to broadcasters in the Arab world.

The United Nations has been active in your region for a very long time, both on the political level and on the humanitarian level.

Sometimes, we hear only the political side of the story.  After all, over the past six decades, the United Nations Security Council and the General Assembly have adopted historic resolutions -- on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, on Iraq, on Darfur and other issues.

As Secretary-General, within the context of those resolutions and international law, I operate impartially and expect all my colleagues to do the same.

But the other side of the United Nations story is just as important to the daily lives of people throughout the region -- and sometimes even more so.  Day in and day out, the United Nations strives to assist refugees and displaced persons; to run schools and hospitals; to clear land mines; to advance employment and training; to preserve precious heritage.

Sometimes I am shocked and saddened when it seems this work is not understood.  Such a moment came last December, when 17 dedicated United Nations staff were brutally killed in a terrorist bombing in Algiers.

There is no justification for such barbaric acts.  I call on all peace-loving people to denounce and condemn them in the strongest terms, wherever they are perpetrated.

The United Nations family will continue to help build better lives for the men, women and children we exist to serve.  We will continue to follow closely developments in the Middle East peace process.  We will continue to quietly provide assistance in Iraq, to the people who need it most.  We will continue to work for peace in Darfur.

As Arab broadcasters in the twenty-first century, you have the power to influence hearts and minds more than ever before.  You have a responsibility greater than ever before.  I am glad that you are coming together to discuss how to use your voice in the most effective way possible.

In that spirit, I wish you a most productive Forum.  

Shukran gazeelan.  Thank you very much.

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For information media • not an official record
For information media. Not an official record.