In progress at UNHQ



31 October 2007
Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York

Historic inter-korean summit will pave way for permanent peace, reunification,

Says Secretary-General, welcoming General Assembly resolution

Following is UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s statement to the General Assembly on adoption of the resolution “Peace, security and reunification on the Korean peninsula” in New York, 31 October:

Allow me to welcome the General Assembly’s adoption by consensus of the resolution “Peace, security and reunification on the Korean peninsula”.  I offer my sincere congratulations to the representatives of the Democratic Peoples’ Republic of Korea and the Republic of Korea.

Today’s date coincides exactly with the date seven years ago when the General Assembly adopted resolution 55/11, following the June 2000 summit of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and Republic of Korea.  I welcome this coincidence.  In my homeland of Korea, it is an ancient custom to choose an auspicious day for any celebration or new endeavour.  Inevitably, I also look back on the preparations for the 2000 summit and its follow-up, in which I was personally involved as Vice-Foreign Minister of the Republic of Korea.

Today, as Secretary-General, I feel a much more personal obligation to do all I can to encourage and facilitate the continuing work for peace, security and reunification on the Korean peninsula.  I am convinced that the historic inter-Korean summit will pave the way for a permanent peace regime and eventual reunification.  It will lead to increased inter-Korean reconciliation, cooperation, and shared prosperity.  I also believe it will act as a catalyst for continued progress in the six-party talks on the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.

Once again, I commend the wisdom and courage of Chairman Kim Jong Il and President Roh Moo-hyun in seizing the momentum and taking this significant step forward.  I also thank the General Assembly for its unanimous support for this resolution, which attests to the aspiration of the international community for peace and stability in the region.

It will now be of the utmost importance to implement fully the outcome of the summit.  Every step in carrying out the agreed elements of the Declaration will be an important measure of confidence-building on the peninsula.  I encourage the leaders of both Koreas to maintain the momentum created by this historic turn of history.  And I encourage all Member States -- in particular those engaged in the six-party talks -- to lend their valuable support in sustaining a favourable atmosphere and assisting in the implementation of the outcome.  As Secretary-General, I stand ready to provide every assistance required, in close cooperation with the international community.

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For information media • not an official record
For information media. Not an official record.