

Press Release



The Secretary-General is pleased to announce the appointment of their Excellencies Dermot Ahern, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ireland; Ali Alatas, former Foreign Minister of Indonesia; Joaquin Chissano, former President of Mozambique; and Ernesto Zedillo, former President of Mexico, as his Envoys for the Summit to take place in New York in September 2005.

In his report “In larger freedom:  towards development, security and human rights for all” the Secretary-General has outlined a bold vision of steps to be taken by the international community to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century.  He has placed before world leaders an agenda for action in order to move our world decisively towards important goals:  halving poverty in the next 10 years; reducing the threat of war, terrorism and deadly weapons; and advancing human dignity in every land.  He has also called for the most far-reaching reforms of the United Nations in its 60-year history.

To help him promote this comprehensive agenda, the Secretary-General has requested the good offices of these four prominent world leaders, whom he has asked to act as his Envoys in the run-up to the Summit.  All four have vast political experience, profound knowledge of international relations, and are committed to the cause of the United Nations.

The Envoys will help the Secretary-General promote the bold but achievable agenda put forward in his report.  To that end, they will travel around the world and engage political leaders, civil society representatives, academics and the media.  They will present the broad package of proposals and will seek support for decisions that need to be taken by heads of State and government at their September Summit, which will review implementation of the Millennium Declaration adopted five years ago.

The Secretary-General wishes to express his deepest gratitude to their excellencies for having agreed to take on this challenging assignment and invest their time, energy and political wisdom in assisting him in his efforts.

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For information media. Not an official record.