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Press Release



(Reissued as received.)

GENEVA, 13 February (UNCTAD) – The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) is today announcing the release of new guidelines on eco-efficiency indicators that link the environmental performance of corporations to their financial performance.  The guidelines have now been adopted by Ciba Specialty Chemicals, making it the first multinational company to base its environmental reporting on the UNCTAD model.

The Manual for the Preparers and Users of Eco-efficiency Indicators is one of the first publications in the field of corporate environmental accounting to standardize the presentation and disclosure of a company’s environmental performance and how this relates to financial results.  It describes a method for providing systematic and consistent information on environmental performance over time.   Such information cannot be assessed by the conventional accounting model but is increasingly demanded by stakeholders, especially in the post-Enron era.  The guidelines meet this need by using financial and environmental performance indicators together to measure a company’s progress in attaining eco-efficiency or sustainability.  Intended both for preparers and users of financial statements, they cover accounting treatment of such areas as water use, energy use, contributions to global warming, ozone-depleting substances and waste.  More than 50 tables provide an array of pertinent data, including net caloric values for various energy products, electricity-derived CO2 emission factors by region, the ozone depletion potential of controlled substances and lists of hazardous characteristics excerpted from the 1989 Basel Convention on the control of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes.

“To achieve sustainable development, sustainable value or sustainable business, enterprise management must take into account the impact of their performance on their employees, their customers, their suppliers and the community, including its environment”, says Rubens Ricupero, Secretary-General of UNCTAD, in a preface to the Manual.  “The precise correlation between improved environmental performance of an enterprise and its bottom line is extremely difficult to prove because of the many factors that can affect profits...  However, the concept of eco-efficiency, where increased profits are achieved under conditions of declining environmental impact, demonstrates such a link.”

“By linking key environmental parameters to its gross profit results starting already in 2001, we were able to demonstrate how our high-quality products add value throughout the value chain, using fewer resources and minimizing environmental impact”, comments Armin Meyer, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Ciba Specialty Chemicals.  “The new UNCTAD guidelines are well founded and forward-looking and support our earlier initiatives.  Therefore, effective this year we are reporting our environmental performance in accordance with these guidelines.”  The company, he adds, “remains committed to being a responsible and environmentally aware company, while at the same time making a profit for its shareholders. One cannot be separated from the other”.

The UNCTAD, through the Intergovernmental Working Group of Experts on International Standards of Accounting and Reporting (ISAR), has been working on corporate environmental accounting since 1989.  Industry experts, financial analysts, standard-setters, accounting practitioners, academics and environmental experts, provided inputs and comments to the new manual on eco-efficiency indicators.  Its detailed explanations and examples will enable for the preparers and users of eco-efficiency indicators to produce and interpret internally consistent environmental and financial information, thus improving the quality of environmental reporting and stakeholder satisfaction.

Based on the detailed definitions for five key eco-efficiency parameters in the UNCTAD manual, Ciba Specialty Chemicals is publishing in its Report on Environment, Health and Safety 2003 for the years 2000 to 2003 global figures on energy requirement, water used, global warming contribution, contribution to ozone depletion and waste.  These parameters are presented as global totals, relative to production output, as well as relative to net value added.  The results were also submitted for verification to an independent, third-party company, Ellipson, which was involved in the development of the UNCTAD standards.

Ciba Specialty Chemicals is a leading global company dedicated to producing high-value effects for its customers’ products -– adding performance, protection, colour and strength to textiles, plastics, paper, automobiles, buildings, home and personal-care products, among others.  Active in more than 120 countries around the world, last year the company generated sales of 6.6 billion Swiss francs and invested 281million Swiss francs in research and development.

Contacts:  UNCTAD Press Office, tel.: +41 22 917 5828, e-mail:; C. Bartel, tel.: +41 22 917 5875, e-mail:, Web:; or Ciba Specialty Chemicals, Media Relations, tel.: +41 61 636 4444, fax: +41 61 636 3019, e-mail:,

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For information media. Not an official record.