In progress at UNHQ



Press Release

Fifty-eighth General Assembly

Third Committee

15th & 16th Meetings (AM & PM)



Committee Concludes Discussion of Women’s Issues, Hearing 26 Speakers

Governments, communities, families and individuals had the duty and obligation to build a protective environment for children, said Karin Sham Poo, Deputy Executive Director of United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), as the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) began its consideration of the promotion and protection of the rights of children.

Also today, the Committee concluded its consideration of the advancement of women and the implementation of the outcome of the Fourth World Conference on Women and of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled “Women 2000 -– gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century”.

This year had shown continuing progress in children’s rights, Ms. Sham Poo said, welcoming the upcoming entry into force of the Protocol to the Convention on Transnational Organized Crime to prevent, suppress and punish trafficking in persons, especially women and children.  It was hoped that this would significantly increase States’ cooperation and help to put an end to human trafficking, in particular child trafficking.

Violence, in all its forms, was too often a daily reality for children, she said.  Unless accountability mechanisms addressed crimes committed against children, they would continue to suffer, with negative consequences for future peace and stability.  The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court was therefore of great importance since it established accountability for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide, including those against children.

Bacre Waly Ndiaye, Director of the New York Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, gave an introductory statement welcoming Timor-Leste’s ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, bringing the total number of States parties to 192.  He also highlighted recent developments within the Committee on the Rights of the Child, including its enlargement from 10 to   18 members –- reinforcing its geographical representation and its multisectoral expertise.

In a subsequent question-and-answer session, delegations raised issues of concern to them regarding children’s rights.  Delegations expressed concern about the worrisome trend of trafficking in children, and asked what UNICEF could do to tackle this violation of human rights.  Other speakers referred to the enlargement of the Committee of the Rights of the Child and the decision to split the Committee into two chambers, asking whether such an initiative would speed up its work, and whether it was a permanent decision.

Several delegates expressed concern about the devastating effects of armed conflicts on children, both when victims of war and when forced to serve as child soldiers, and stressed the need for the international community to support re-education and rehabilitation programmes.  The particular vulnerability of refugee and internally displaced children was also highlighted, with one delegation suggesting that specific assistance be given to this defenceless group of children.

During the general debate on children’s rights, delegations also highlighted the particular vulnerability of children.  As expressed by the representative of Namibia, speaking on behalf of Southern African Development Community, millions of children continued to face abject poverty, hunger, malnutrition, exploitation as child soldiers, and inadequate social and economic conditions, and were increasingly vulnerable to preventable diseases, as well as to the HIV/AIDS pandemic.  A large number of children were also maimed, killed, orphaned and displaced as a result of armed conflicts.

Over the past two days, delegations shared national initiatives that had promoted the advancement and empowerment of women through economic, legal, and social reforms.  The need for increased participation and representation of women in political life and in higher echelons was also highlighted.

Several representatives raised concerns about the feminization of poverty and stressed that women were vital agents for development, urging the international community to address the empowerment of women within the broader context of development, with particular focus on rural women who were especially vulnerable to the adverse effects of globalization.  Migrant women were also vulnerable to marginalization and exploitation, delegations said, stressing that violence against women –- including trafficking of women -– was a violation of human rights.  Speakers also highlighted the added burden suffered by women as a result of the HIV/AIDS pandemic.

Today, the Committee also decided, in a vote of 140 in favour to 2 against (Israel, United States), with 1 abstention (Australia), to adopt a proposal of the representative of Syria, on behalf of the Arab Group, to extend an invitation to the Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in the occupied territories, John Dugard, to address the Third Committee.  (See Annex.)

Speaking today on women’s issues were representatives of the following countries:  Mexico, Belarus, India, Myanmar, Syria, Philippines, Armenia, New Zealand (on behalf of the Pacific Islands Forum Group), Liechtenstein, Ethiopia, Mongolia, Morocco, Israel, Cambodia, Romania, Uganda, Nepal, Cameroon, Ghana, Zambia, Afghanistan, Congo and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The representatives of Italy (on behalf of the European Union), Brazil, Switzerland, Peru, Iran, United Arab Emirates, and Norway addressed issues concerning children’s rights.

Representatives of the World Food Programme, Organization of the Islamic Conference, and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme also spoke.

The Committee will reconvene on Monday, 20 October, at 10 a.m. to continue its consideration of the promotion and protection of the rights of children.


The Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) today is effected to conclude its discussion of women’s issues after which it will begin consideration of issues relating to the rights of the child.  (For background on women’s issues, see Press Release GA/SHC/3744 of 15 October.)

Before the Committee there is a note of the Secretary-General on the protection of children in armed conflict prepared by his Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict (document A/58/328).  The report states that progress in this field includes a significant increase in advocacy and awareness.  Children are now firmly placed on the international peace and security agenda, and norms and standards have been strengthened.  Child protection has been incorporated by regional organizations, and important steps have been taken to develop systematic monitoring and reporting.  Children are being given increasing priority and are focused upon more in post-conflict programmes, and a major child protection movement has developed among non-governmental organizations.  However, the situation for children remains grave and precarious in war zones.

The report proposed an agenda for action encompassing the interrelated challenges of embarking on a campaign for the “era of application” and ensuring that the initiatives taken and gains made so far are consolidated and institutionalized.  The core task is to establish a systematic and integrated monitoring and reporting network that can provide objective, regular and accurate reports on violations being committed against children.  Such reports should, in turn, serve as “triggers for action” on the part of various international, regional and local bodies, mechanisms and actors, each employing all means and levers of influence at their disposal for the protection of war-affected children.

A report of the Secretary-General on the Status of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (document A/58/282) states that as of 2 July 2003, the Convention on the Rights of the Child had been ratified or acceded to by 192 States.  In addition, two States had signed the Convention.  Also, as of 2 July 2003, the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the involvement of children in armed conflict had been ratified by 53 States and signed by 111 States, and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography had been ratified by 52 States and signed by 105 States.

Before the Committee is a letter from the Permanent Representative of Honduras to the United Nations (document A/58/272) containing a report by that State on the violent deaths of children and youths.  The report deals with the topic of the 744 young people under the age of 18 that have been murdered in Honduras, mostly in gang-related incidents, from 1998 until December 2002.  Some of the difficulties faced by the Government were the lack of a centralized database that would permit corroboration of all the information received on the number of deaths; shortages of specialized investigators; a lack of equipment and logistical support for field work; and the lack of specific legislation on gangs (“pandillas” or “maras”).

There is a note of the Secretary-General on the promotion and protection of the rights of children (document A/58/329) which draws the attention of Member States to the report of the Secretary-General on progress towards implementation of the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS (document A/58/184).

Statements on Women’s Issues

PATRICIA OLAMENDI (Mexico) said that 50 years after the recognition of the right to vote for Mexican women, they were carrying out various activities to take stock of progress that had been made as well as barriers that continued to exist concerning gender equity.  Most Mexican legislation had taken into account equality and non-discrimination and the electoral law obliged Congress to include at least 30 per cent of women as congressional candidates.  Also, institutes had been created to ensure that public policy prioritized gender equity, and further measures had been taken to promote equality of access to primary and secondary education.

She said that in spite of such progress, women in Mexico continued to be paid wages that were 20 per cent lower than those of men.  The responsibilities of home and childcare remained exclusively women’s, reflecting the cultural battle that women still faced in Mexican society.

Both in Mexico and internationally, violence against women was of great concern. This problem placed particular challenges on authorities responsible for justice.  Homicide cases that victimized women must be tried and the perpetrators punished in order to bring justice for victims.  In Mexico federal, state and local authorities had strengthened cooperation, but Mexico welcomed the cooperation of the international community to strengthen prevention of violence against women.

ANDREI A. TARANDA (Belarus) said the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action remained a priority on the international agenda.  The situation was still far from perfect since women continued to face various forms of violence and discrimination.  The Beijing Platform for Action was an essential document on which States based their policies for the advancement of women, and his country had developed a national plan of action to ensure gender equality.  Research had also been carried out on gender issues in Belarus, and a centre for gender information and policy had been established.  The successful implementation of the above-mentioned measures was based on the close cooperation between the Government of Belarus and the United Nations, particularly the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM).

Belarus welcomed the increasing gender mainstreaming within the United Nations in order to achieve gender equality, he said.  Belarus also appreciated the important role played by the Commission on the Status of Women.  However, its last session would have been more constructive with the adoption of the agreed conclusions of the session. 

Noting that the work of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women had led to a reform in the reporting procedures, he said that last year, Belarus had presented its combined fourth, fifth and sixth reports on the Convention’s implementation. 

Any form of violence against women constituted a violation of human rights, he continued.  One of the most horrible crimes was the trafficking of women for sexual exploitation – a modern form of slavery.  A State programme had been adopted to deal comprehensively with the trafficking in women and girls.  A project for technical assistance had also been development and was being carried out with the aim of preventing trafficking of women.    

C.P. RADHAKRISHNAN (India) said that while the primary responsibility for the advancement and empowerment of women lay with national governments, international cooperation was indispensable.  Without such cooperation, developing countries could not respond adequately to the serious challenges they faced, especially in this era of globalization.  International cooperation should include financial assistance, technology transfer, and information sharing.  India called upon the developed country partners to fulfill their commitments made in the Millennium Declaration and other international conferences so as to enable the developing countries to attain poverty eradication and sustainable development goals.

He said women in India constituted 48 per cent of India’s population, with the majority residing in rural areas.  The socio-economic transformation of villages must therefore play a crucial role in the country’s development and required the participation of women and a gender perspective in rural development policies.

He added that India welcomed legislative and public awareness measures undertaken by governments to address and eliminate harmful traditional or customary practices affecting the health or women and girls.

DAW KHIN THANDAR (Myanmar) said in Myanmar, teaching was one of the most popular careers chosen by women.  Thus, schools in Myanmar at all levels were “female oriented”.  At the primary school level, 73.11 per cent of the teaching force were women and at the secondary level 76.49 per cent were women.  As for the percentage of school principals, women principals constituted 51.92 per cent in urban areas and male principals constituted 57.60 per cent in rural areas. 

The Myanmar Women Entrepreneurs Association, founded by successful women entrepreneurs, also played an active part in the advancement of women, she said.  The Association reached out to women entrepreneurs offering advice and microcredit to women wishing to start a business or further expand existing businesses.

Trafficking of people, particularly of women, was a global phenomenon that posed serious danger to women everywhere, she said.  Myanmar, a country with

3,805 miles of land boundary with five countries was very much aware of the issue of trafficking in persons and the Government was committed to combat it.  Her country had put in place a National Action Plan for the Prevention of Trafficking in Persons, consisting of four pillars -– prevention, prosecution, protection and repatriation.  The Myanmar Penal Code contained provisions for meting out heavy sentences for human traffickers.  To further strengthen national legislation, Myanmar was now in the process of enacting a separate anti-human trafficking law. 

RANIA AL HAJ ALI (Syria) said her Government’s commitment to promoting gender equity and advancing the status of women was evident in its national strategy that focused on increasing the participation of women in Syria’s economic and political life.  Education was the main way to ensure the advancement of women in society and to meet the challenges of poverty and illiteracy.  Therefore, Syria had organized a forum of Arab women that stressed the need for women’s education and the participation of Arab women in development.  The forum had drafted several recommendations to increase school enrollment of girls as well as access to technical training programmes.  Recommendations had also been adopted for rural women to increase their access to education and social services to enable them to participate actively in development.

Syria remained convinced of the need for international cooperation to promote the advancement of women, and this was reflected in its accession to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women.  Regarding violence against women, she said laws in Syria were very severe concerning crimes affecting women’s health and their rights.

She stressed that women’s rights must be for all women and not just a few.  Equality and freedom for women would not be realized without considering the situation of women in areas under foreign occupation.  Syrian and Lebanese women who lived under Israeli occupation had been denied their fundamental rights, including access to health and education services, and were routinely subject to discrimination.  Women in Syria would continue to struggle for women in the occupied areas in order to promote full protection of their rights.  Until peace was established and occupation eliminated, the advancement of women would be incomplete.

LETICIA RAMOS SHAHANI (Philippines) said gender mainstreaming, a major component of the Beijing Platform for Action, had been a part of the United Nations agenda since the adoption in 1985 of the Nairobi Forward-Looking Strategies and had been given major impetus in Beijing in 1995.  The international community must always be alert and sensitive to those sectors where there was discrimination against women.  In such cases affirmative action and special intervention was required, as in the case of migrant women or rural women who had no access to economic empowerment.

The Philippine Government continued to implement policies and programmes to ensure gender mainstreaming, she said.  Three very important such measures were the allocation of 5 per cent of each government department’s budget for the advancement of women; the increased participation of women in local government; and the support for the participation of women in economic activities through microfinancing.

She expressed concern that the majority of the 1.2 billion poor of the world were women.  Aside from persistent poverty, another challenge that must be addressed during this post-Beijing period was violence against women.  That problem underscored the existing harmful traditional cultural, social and economic practices and belief systems that sanctioned, reinforced and perpetuated the devaluation of women.  The protection of women migrant workers and combating trafficking of women were issues that intersected in their most essential elements.  She favoured the convening of an International Conference on Migration.

MARINE DAVTYAN (Armenia) said the problems her country faced in the area of women’s advancement had been aggravated by earthquake and the influx of refugees.  Despite those obstacles, Armenia was committed to move forward in its efforts to improve the situation of women.  The equality of rights for men and women was guaranteed by Armenian law.  An inter-agency commission had been established, and a deputy minister of social development had been appointed to deal particularly with coordinating activities to promote gender equity.  There had been an increase in the number of women both in the Parliament and Government.

She said women in Armenia made up 66 per cent of the unemployed.  Special consideration had therefore been given to the gender perspective in the poverty reduction programme, with special attention to the needs of women refugees and residents in earthquake-affected areas.  Efforts were also underway to create more employment opportunities for women and to promote their entrepreneurship in small and medium-sized businesses.  In response to threats posed by trafficking in human beings, Armenia had established an interagency commission to ensure safe migration by providing information on legal conditions and labour opportunities in foreign countries.

DON MACKAY (New Zealand), speaking on behalf of the Pacific Islands Forum, said his Group of countries was characterized by an enormous range and diversity of cultures, geography and circumstance.  The Group was however united in its commitment to the promotion and protection of women’s rights.  In Australia and New Zealand, women were now fully represented in the economy and were critical to the industrialization process over the past century.  In many Pacific Islands communities, women today provided the main labour force for subsistence food production and sale.  There was also an increasing trend of women assuming leadership in development.  All countries in the region had dedicated personnel and resources focused on addressing gender issues.

A major challenge for many of the members in the Group was the capacity and resources required to implement the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, he said.  Even so, and in spite of often-formidable constraints, the Pacific Islands Forum had made real process in support of this important Convention.  Women had been at the very forefront of the peace movement in the Pacific region in efforts that ranged from global disarmament to peace-building at the grass-roots level.  The UNIFEM’s work on women, peace and security in Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Fiji, and Vanuatu had been instrumental in revealing the important role played by women in promoting peace in the region.

The HIV/AIDS pandemic had reached the Pacific Islands, he said.  The rate of new infections was on a rapid increase since the first discovery in the late 1980s.  Many of the factors that were driving the pandemic in sub-Saharan Africa were prevalent in the region -– increasing poverty, gender inequality, violence against women and children, unequal distribution of resources and development, and conflict.  A regional strategy for combating HIV/AIDS would be presented to Forum Leaders at their next meeting in 2004.  The Pacific Islands Forum was also working toward the elimination of violence against women.  Despite the existence of norms and standards, violence against women was still widespread and much work remained to be done both in the region and internationally.

PIO SCHURTI (Liechtenstein) said his country placed great importance on ensuring full realization of equal rights for women and on eradicating discrimination and violence against women.  The Government had made the advancement of women a priority and had adopted an action plan to promote equal opportunities for both women and men.  The plan focused on combating violence against women, the reconciliation of family responsibilities with work and the increased participation of women in politics and decision-making.

He called on Member States to step up efforts to implement international standards established to protect and promote women’s rights.  Liechtenstein strongly agreed with a rights-based approach that was not limited to attempts to prevent women from becoming victims but one that drew on the capabilities of women on national and international levels.

FESSEHA TESEFU (Ethiopia) said a number of encouraging legislative and administrative measures had been taken to eliminate discrimination against women in Ethiopia.  The Family Law and the Penal Code had been revised by repealing provisions that were discriminatory against women.  Under the revised family code, the minimum age for marriage had been changed to 18 for both the female and male as opposed to 15 for the female in the past. 

Female genital mutilation continued to constitute violence against women in Ethiopia, undermining women’s equality and infringing on their human rights and fundamental freedoms, he said.  Although its prevalence had decreased from 92 per cent to 80 per cent in the last decade, much remained to be done.  Revisions in the Penal Code meant that there was a minimum imprisonment of five years and a maximum of 10 years of rigorous for rape; female genital mutilation was outlawed as a crime; and abduction and domestic violence were also being carefully addressed.

Ethiopia’s economy, as in many developing countries, was predominantly agricultural, and women contributed the largest share of the production –- yet their situation remained precarious, he said.  Despite many efforts with the support of non-governmental organizations and development partners, women in Ethiopia still faced many challenges including the spread of HIV/AIDS, drought, extreme poverty and a lack of access to education and health services.  Such challenges could only be overcome if national efforts were complemented by international cooperation in the areas of resource mobilization, capacity-building and technology transfer.

O. ENKHTSETSEG (Mongolia) said her country had launched a national programme for the advancement of women, which had made considerable progress in building a national consensus on the protection of women’s rights, improvements in health and access to education.  However, since unemployment and poverty rates had not improved, living standards, particularly of women and elderly people, had continued to deteriorate.  There was an urgent need therefore to revisit the basic concept of Mongolia’s development strategy with a focus on introducing gender equity and human-centred development goals.

She stressed that women played an important role in consolidating and deepening democracy.  Issues related to gender equity and the role of women’s participation in promoting democracy was strongly considered during the International Conference of New or Restored Democracies that was held in Mongolia last September.

Turning to the special challenges facing rural women, she said their needs should be a major focus of international efforts to realize Millennium Development Goals and commitments made in Beijing.

MOHAMED BENNOUNA (Morocco) said it was inconceivable that women did not fully enjoy their human rights.  All development and democratization efforts must consider women as full-fledged partners.  The implementation of the Millennium Development Goals required the full participation of all, and a few days ago, the King of Morocco had made a statement on a new Family Code.  Also, a consultative committee had been established to address revisions to the family code.  That committee had completed its work and the new Family Code was respectful of human rights, fundamental freedoms and equality between men and women.  The reform clearly established the principle of gender equality in all areas.  Both of the spouses were now responsible for the family, and women were no longer obliged to “obey” their husbands.  The legal age of marriage for women had also been increased to 18 years of age for women, as opposed to the previous 15 years of age.

There had also been a revision of the rules of distribution of property acquired during a marriage, he said.  Finally, a committee had been established to draft a practical guide on the provisions of family law.  Another event worth noting was the presentation by the Government of Morocco of a report to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women.  Morocco was very involved in this process and would continue on the path of women’s advancement.

MINA WESTMAN (Israel) said her country placed gender equality high on its political and social agenda and noted the status of women in Israel had improved significantly in the political sphere.  She said the Government currently included three female Ministers and two female Deputy Ministers.  Eighteen out of the 120 Members of Parliament were women, marking an increase of more than 20 per cent in parliamentary representation.  Israel’s commitment to the mainstreaming of a gender perspective was also reflected in the adoption of several laws, backed up by enforcement, to eliminate discrimination against women and to address the issue of violence against women. 

She said violence against women was one of the most serious problems facing women in almost every country, noting that 12 per cent of women in Israel suffered from violence.  In response to this problem the Government had initiated efforts to increase public awareness and set up facilities to provide support for battered women. 

To combat poverty among women, Israel had established a unit within the Ministry of Commerce and Industry to encourage women to open small and medium-sized businesses and to destroy barriers impeding the advancement of women in business.  Microloan funds had also been established for women, and women loan recipients were encouraged to participate in entrepreneurship courses.  She added that Israel had also held vocational training courses, through the Center for International Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for hundreds of women trainees around the world, including Palestinian women.

SAR SAMBATH (Cambodia) said the legacy of war in the past three decades had left tremendous burdens on the people, mainly women and children.  Cambodian women constituted the majority of the labour force in rural areas working with agriculture.  Endemic poverty and porous borders had been and were the main root causes for violence and human trafficking –- problems that transcended geography and nationality.  Efforts had been made to improve women’s lot in Cambodia, he said.  At the National Assembly level, among 122 representatives, 12 were women in the second legislature, compared to 5 out of 120 in the first legislature.  There was also a plan that included strategies monitoring the status of women in four major areas –- education, reproductive health, economic empowerment and legal protection.

Many countries had organized or supported campaigns against domestic violence, and some had set up and supported shelters, he said.  In Cambodia, since 2001, his Government had launched a campaign against all forms of violence against women.  Despite the various difficulties, the Royal Government of Cambodia had made every effort through the Ministry of Women’s Affairs and Veterans to coordinate with other women’s organizations around the globe in order to implement the United Nations Platform for Action.  He stressed that women were the key for sustainable development. 

OCTAVIAN STAMATE (Romania) said his country was fully engaged in pursuing the objectives defined by the Beijing Conference, recognizing that sustainable development and global peace could only be achieved by ensuring the full and equal participation of both men and women in all aspects of life.  Romania had set up a department for coordination of the labour market and wage policy to implement gender mainstreaming in the social policies of Romania.  Support centres for victims of domestic violence had also been set up.  To promote the advancement of women in political life, a project on gender equality was under way to encourage more women to participate as candidates in local and national elections. 

He said Romanian authorities had also intensified efforts to prevent, punish, and eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls.  A law had been adopted in May to combat domestic violence and to establish an agency to outline measures to prevent domestic violence and protect victims.  Public awareness and education campaigns were also under way to decrease the victimization of women and promote women’s rights.

CATHERINE OTITI (Uganda) said the National Gender Policy of Uganda emphasized the cross-cutting nature of gender and sought to integrate it into development efforts at national, district and local levels, and to further strengthen already existing gender-oriented sectoral policies.  The overall policy of Uganda was geared towards the removal of all impediments to women’s effective participation in all activities, at all levels, and in accordance with the decentralized framework, democratic principles and good governance.  The Government of Uganda was also strengthening effective monitoring and evaluation with appropriate feedback mechanisms at all levels. 

Poverty eradication, economic growth and sustainable development must not be misunderstood as measures to address material needs only, she said.  Poverty was a multidimensional problem that also connoted a lack, deficiency, or loss of social, economic, cultural or other value for human existence.  Means of production and income-generation, health care and education were crucial areas that continued to require attention.  Article one of the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women had by no means been entirely achieved in Uganda, but the stereotyping, suppression and exploitation of women was progressively being ended. 

BHUPNARAYAN CHARTIMAGAR (Nepal) said the eradication of poverty for women in ruraL areas was of special concern to Nepal, where the majority of women lived in such areas.  Rural women faced poverty, illiteracy, malnutrition and inadequate health care.  His Government placed a high priority on rural development in the national development plan, and on integrating a gender perspective in development policy.  Microcredit programmes had been initiated to assist rural women.

He said equal rights protection for women in Nepal was guaranteed under the law, and strategies to improve the status of women focused on increasing women’s access to education and health.  Education could do much to enhance the status of women, and women’s empowerment was at the focus of all development efforts.  Nepal supported all international efforts to increase the participation of women in political, economic and social life.  His Government had adopted measures to mainstream a gender perspective on a national level, and Nepal supported the elimination of traditional or customary practices that were harmful to the health of women and girls.

CATHERINE MAHOUVE SAME (Cameroon) said among the Millennium Development Goals, one goal was dedicated to the promotion of gender equality and the advancement of women.  Gender equality was not a goal in itself, but a determinant factor for sustainable development.  The Government of Cameroon attached high priority to the promotion of the rights of women and had established a ministry in charge of issues related to women.  This ministry focused on certain key areas of importance for the advancement of women, including the eradication of poverty, education and training, health, the environment and the promotion of women’s human rights. 

Concerning the fight against poverty, she said that studies showed that the causes for the feminization of poverty were the lack of infrastructure and roads for transport, the lack of resources to initiate income-generating activities, lack of information, lack of training, and the weight of family and tradition.  Concerning education and training, the Ministry on women’s issues had initiated projects and awareness-raising campaigns to ensure that parents recognized the importance of sending their little girls to school.  Cameroon on its own could not address the many obstacles preventing the advancement of women and counted of the international community to provide bilateral and multilateral development assistance, she concluded. 

MAVIS KUSORGBOR (Ghana) said her Government considered the total elimination of discrimination against women as indispensable in any agenda for attaining socio-economic development.  The need to empower women to make them equal partners in formulating and implementing development policy was of major importance to Ghana, which had initiated nationwide programmes to promote the protection of women’s rights.  A microfinancing fund had been set up to reduce the widening economic inequality between men and women.  The Government had also promoted gender mainstreaming at all levels.

She said Ghana’s rich cultural background included some traditional and customary practices that were harmful to the health of women, and this had undermined the important role of women in the promotion of sustainable development.  To address that challenge, the Government had criminalized such negative traditional and customary practices through enhanced legislation.  It was determined to end such harmful practices that degraded womanhood.

Regarding the gender implications of HIV/AIDS, she said the Ghana AIDS Commission, in conjunction with other governmental agencies and non-governmental organizations, had developed initiatives to reduce the vulnerability of women and girls to HIV/AIDS infection.  In addition, it was important for men to be encouraged to act as key partners in the effort to reverse the spread of the pandemic.

MWELWA C. MUSAMBACHIME (Zambia) said Zambia had five priorities concerning the advancement of women:  Education, poverty eradication and skills development, health, decision-making, and rights of the child.  A comprehensive framework had been created for their implementation, encompassing legal, institutional, advocacy, capacity-building and women’s empowerment issues.

Zambia had placed emphasis on developing the legal framework for the empowerment of women, he said, and there had been considerable progress in addressing a number of legal challenges to the advancement of women.  The Government had also engaged in training and capacity-building for women aspiring to political position and training in gender and human rights for judges, police and local court justices.

Zambia was also facing challenges in relation to the health of women and HIV/AIDS, and gender violence, especially against women and children.  Increases in the cases of defilement and spousal abuse had led to the establishment of a Victim Support Unit in the Zambia Police Service responsible for addressing all complaints of domestic violence.  Gains made in development would not be sustainable if due consideration was not given to addressing the poverty and economic empowerment of women, he concluded.

YUNUS BAZEL (Afghanistan) said the Transitional Government of Afghanistan was committed to promoting and protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the rights of women and girls.  For the past two years, Afghanistan had taken major steps to promote the full realization of women’s human rights and their increased participation in the economic, political and social life of the country. 

The establishment of the Ministry of Women’s Affairs, headed by a woman, was a major achievement in the context of Afghan society.  Afghanistan had also ratified the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, and efforts were under way to enact new laws and regulations in observance of its provisions.  Moreover, an independent human rights commission had also been established.  Affirmative action policies adopted by the Government were intended to promote women’s rights, he said, noting that the Presidential Decree in July concerning the convening of the Constituent Assembly had allocated 64 seats for women.

The right to work, receive an education, and have access to health care without discrimination were among the fundamental rights that had been restored to Afghan women.  He said the main problems of rehabilitation and reconstruction faced by his war-torn country had affected all segments of Afghan society, including women and girls.  The full realization of the human rights of women and girls could only be achieved through the creation of a prosperous and developed Afghan society.

RENE NSEMI (Congo) said his Government wanted to specifically address traditional practices that affect the health of women, the improvement of women’s status in rural areas and discrimination against women.  Sexual violence was of great concern to his Government.  While legislative measures were being drawn up to deal with traditional practices harmful to women’s health, the Government had initiated awareness campaigns and had established centres to provide assistance to victims of violence.  His Government fully endorsed the recommendations in the report on this issue, especially regarding specific measures to eliminate those harmful practices.  It was working with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and institutions like the Red Cross to address the issue.

On the situation of women in rural areas, he said women in his country produced 64 per cent of its agricultural output.  Women therefore played a fundamental role in agricultural development, food security and the elimination of poverty.  Rural women suffered the most from technological backwardness in agriculture and lack of access to basic health care and education.  The Government was making savings bank credits available to Congolese women to help the most underprivileged.  Moreover, it had recently decided to invest 7 billion central African francs to rehabilitate agriculture in his country.

His Government had made progress in combating discrimination against women, he said.  It had ratified the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, and the law recognized gender equality in every area of life, promoting women in decision-making, and prohibiting discrimination against women in all areas.  There had been an increase in the representation of women in the national assembly, the Senate and in local councils.  The Government had also adopted a national health plan that guaranteed the right of women to health care and integrated activities related to reproductive health, maternal and child health.  The national plan to combat AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis fully integrated women in its awareness-raising campaigns.

Ms. YAKIBU (Democratic Republic of Congo) said she agreed with the Secretary-General when he emphasized that in order to attain the Millennium Development Goals, women must participate at all levels.  She congratulated the Secretary-General for having appointed a woman to deal with peacekeeping issues.  Her country had ratified the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women and had already presented three reports to the Committee.  Representatives of women’s NGOs had travelled throughout her country to make women aware of their rights. 

According to statistics, women made up over half of the population in her country and were also the most vulnerable and poverty stricken, she said.  In addition, they were suffering disproportionately from the HIV/AIDS pandemic.  Despite difficulties, the Beijing + 5 document had enabled her country to make significant strides in the advancement of women and the mainstreaming of a gender perspective. 

Her Government had undertaken microcredit schemes to benefit rural poor women and had ensured the consolidation of a National Women’s Council, she said.  The Ministry on the Status of Women had dispatched a team to investigate the effect of violence on women in the country.  In addition, the Government was trying to reverse the trend of low representation of women in decision-making positions.  There was still a long way to go, but the Democratic Republic of the Congo would need the help of the international community. 

Mr. DE MELO CABRAL, World Food Programme (WFP), said his organization’s mission was to provide food to the hungry in situations of acute and chronic food insecurity.  Food was directly distributed to women, who were empowered by having control of the food, whether in an emergency situation or in normal development projects.  WFP made sure women were directly in control of the food distributed.

Concerning school feeding and food for training, she said in 2002, of the 100 million children who did not attend school, 60 million were girls.  School feedings could make it possible for girls to attend school.  School meals meant that children learned better on full stomachs and that there was an added incentive for increased attendance. 

Some of the WFP initiatives began before children were born, she said.  Expectant mothers received modified nutritional supplements to protect their health and that of their child.  With AIDS tearing through Africa, WFP had created programmes that not only fed those with the disease, but also affected family members such as orphans.  Women bore the brunt of suffering as a result of HIV/AIDS by having to shoulder the burden of caring for the ill and the millions of children orphaned by the pandemic.-- even when they themselves were living with the virus.  When women were infected by the HIV virus, or were caring for the sick, they could not spend time on food production or engage in other productive ventures.

S.SHAHID HUSAIN, Permanent Observer for the Organization of the Islamic Conference of the United Nations (OIC), said that since the bulk of the population of Member States inhabited rural areas, development strategies should be aimed at improving the social and economic situation of the people in those areas.  Strategies must be developed to meet the special challenges faced by rural women.

Regarding the status accorded to women in the teachings of Islam, he noted that, contrary to what was being portrayed in certain quarters, Islam had granted women equality with men.  That meant the right to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, own property, as well as acquire education, health benefits and a respectable livelihood.  The fact that, in some OIC Member States, those rights had somewhat faded, was due mainly to the encroachment of some communal practices and outdated traditional values, in addition to the colonial neglect during the past two centuries, which had the effect of marginalizing Islamic values. 

He stressed that the OIC accorded importance to the interests of women in all aspects of life, consistent with Islamic values.  Continued measures were needed to redress inequities that had arisen from historical, societal and communal attitudes, despite what Islam had ordained.

AXUMITE GEBRE-EGZIABHER, Director, New York Office of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT), said that in May 2003, UN-HABITAT’s Governing Council had adopted a landmark resolution on women’s rights.  It marked the first time such a resolution on women had made direct linkages with the resolutions on women’s rights to adequate housing, land and property adopted by the United Nations Commission on Human Rights.  It urged governments to promote the effective participation of women in human settlements planning and development.  It stressed the need to the right to housing and secure tenure for women living in poverty.  It also raised the issue of access to finance, credit and protection from forced evictions, especially for women with HIV/AIDS.  The aim was to ensure that UN-HABITAT contributed effectively towards addressing the Millennium Development Goals, especially the target on improving the lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers by 2020. 

UN-HABITAT was currently preparing documentation on gender-sensitive policies and legislation as best practices to be shared, she said.  It supported local level dialogues and exchanges on gender mainstreaming within its Urban Management Programme.  UN-HABITAT would continue to fully support and cooperate with the work of the Division for the Advancement of Women, United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) and other United Nations agencies and organizations, as well as the Committee.  It would also continue to promote the linkages between the rights of women and human settlements, to ensure the true equality between women and men. 

Action on Proposal By Syria

Before the Committee was a proposal of the representative by Syria, on behalf of the Arab Group, to extend an invitation to the Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in the occupied territories, John Dugard, to address the Third Committee.

The representative of the United States said his country rejected to the proposal and had therefore asked for a vote.  The Special Rapporteur had not been authorized to travel to New York to present his report; it was an irresponsible use of scarce resources.  The report was available in an advanced unedited version to all delegates.  It was a grossly one-sided report, and it did not contribute to human rights or peace in the Middle East.

The representative of Malaysia said the Coordinating Bureau of the Non-Aligned Movement had expressed its support of the Palestinian people and of the work of the Special Rapporteur on this issue.  Malaysia therefore supported the proposal.

A representative of Pakistan said the Special Rapporteur would make a useful contribution to the work of the Committee under the agenda item and therefore supported the proposal.

The proposal was adopted with a vote of 140 in favour to 2 against (Israel and the United States), with one abstention (Australia) (see Annex).

In a general statement after the vote, the representative of Syria, on behalf of the Arab Group, thanked all States that had supported the request to invite the Special Rapporteur.  She added that this support had sent the right signal to the international community as to the Committee’s interest in the human rights situation in the occupied territories.

A representative of Cuba said that the invitation was exceptional and was justified by the inability of the Security Council to deal with the deteriorating situation in the territories.     

Children’s Rights

BACRE WALY NDIAYE, Director of the New York Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, briefed the Committee on recent developments regarding the Committee on the Rights of the Child.  He said that while the enlargement of the Committee from 10 to 18 members, which entered into force in November 2002, had reinforced its geographical representation and multisectoral expertise, it had not enabled the Committee to address an extremely heavy workload.  More than

50 reports were still awaiting consideration.

He said that in order to deal with its increasing workload, the Committee had adopted a recommendation agreeing to work in two chambers in the future.  That would provide the Committee with the necessary means to review 48 reports of States parties, instead of the current 27.  It was hoped that the General Assembly would approve that recommendation so that the Committee could start working in the new mode as of the end of 2004.

The Committee had adopted three general comments with regard to HIV/AIDS and the rights of the child, he said.  It had also organized a general discussion day and adopted recommendations on the rights of indigenous children.  In addition, Timor-Leste had ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child, bringing the total number of States parties to 192.  

He recalled that the Committee had requested the Secretary-General to undertake an in-depth study on violence against children, adding that the Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography would visit Brazil from 3-14 November 2003 and Paraguay in early 2004.  The Special Rapporteur’s next report to the Commission on Human Rights would focus on the prevention of children’s entry into prostitution and pornography.

KARIN SHAM POO, Deputy Executive Director, United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), said that governments, communities, families and individuals had a duty and obligation to build a protective environment for children.  Rights were not only a goal, but also a means.  For several years now, UNICEF had been implementing a rights-based approach to development programmes of cooperation.  This year had shown continuing progression in children’s rights and UNICEF hailed the upcoming entry into force of the Protocol to the Convention on Transnational Organized Crime to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children.  It was hoped that that would significantly increase States’ cooperation and help to end human trafficking, particularly child trafficking.

Indigenous children were particularly vulnerable to many forms of rights abuse, she said.  It was the international community’s common task to ensure that they could fully enjoy their rights, like other children.  Violence in all its forms was too often a daily reality for children.  With the appointment of an independent expert, the study on violence had entered a new phase.  A questionnaire would be sent to all governments to elicit information on the subject of the study.  UNICEF urged Member States to commit financial resources, so as to ensure that the expert would be given the means to carry out his mandate.

Another form of violence that continued to beset children was that of armed conflict, she said.  Unless accountability mechanisms addressed crimes committed against children, they would continue to suffer, with negative consequences for future peace and stability.  The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court was of great importance because it established accountability for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide, including those against children, such as sexual violence, the recruitment of children under 15 years of age, and intentional attacks against schools. 

She said that the massive rapes that were occurring daily against girls and women in conflict situations shocked the international community.  However, the international community must be shocked into action.  UNICEF was supporting efforts to care for the survivors of rape and to ensure that girls and women who were raped received medical attention, as well as the psychosocial support they needed to rebuild their lives. 

Interactive Dialogue on Children’s Rights

In a subsequent question-and-answer session, a representative of Italy said the European Union was especially concerned about the increasing problem of child trafficking and wanted to know what UNICEF would do to try to tackle that problem.

A representative of Switzerland asked whether the measure adopted to enlarge the membership of the Committee on the Rights of the Child would be part of larger reforms to deal with international treaties, or was it a short-term measure that would be extended if necessary.  She also requested more details on the budgetary implications of splitting the Committee into two chambers. Would the split into two chambers reflect an equitable geographical distribution?

A representative of Afghanistan expressed the gratitude of the Afghan Government for the activities of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in his country.  Noting the continued challenges faced by his Government in providing adequate educational services to Afghan children, he appealed to the international community for continued support.

A representative of Mexico asked whether the code of conduct for humanitarian staff adopted one year ago was being shared by various agencies.  Were governments on the right course to create a culture, where abuse and exploitation were not part of humanitarian activities?

A representative of Sudan asked what role UNICEF would take in post-conflict situations, and specifically what activities it would undertake in situations involving peace agreements.  In addition, concerning its database related to children, did UNICEF collect data related to the impact of conflict on children, and was the agency gathering data on children in Africa?

Responding, Ms. SHAM POO said on the issue of child trafficking,

UNICEF focused on legal reform in countries where it had programmes, working from the political level downwards to the family level.

Regarding UNICEF’s activities in Afghanistan, there were now more than four million children back in school, including more than one million girls, thanks to the support from Afghanistan’s Ministry of Education, as well as substantial backing from families, she said.  UNICEF continued to support activities in Afghanistan to rehabilitate and rebuild schools, and the agency needed additional financial support to continue those activities.  She added that it was important to have all children registered by birth, in order to assist government efforts to ensure children got the necessary support.

Regarding Sudan’s question, she said UNICEF operated in 158 countries around world before, during and after conflicts, and that the nature of UNICEF support might change before and after conflict.  She said collecting data was a very important element in monitoring progress in achieving Millennium Development Goals, and UNICEF collected information for its database from various parts of the world, including Africa.

To questions regarding UNICEF’s response to child trafficking, Mr. NDIAYE said the High Commissioner for Human Rights continued to work in close cooperation with UNICEF and other United Nations agencies.

Responding to questions from the representative of Switzerland, he said members of the Committee on the Rights of the Child could not adequately handle the reports being submitted, and he hoped the enlarged Committee would be better able to undertake this task.  Perhaps it could serve as a model for other committees to follow.  It was an experiment, and the Committee had taken into account concerns for the equitable geographical distribution of members of the two chambers, as well as the need for a balanced approach for countries and cases to be studied.  There would certainly be financial implications, and the figures were being examined and would be provided when they were ready.

He said it was important to note that this would not be money badly spent, that money spent to improve children’s lot and to help victims of human rights violations was well worth the cause.  This cause had not received enough funds from the United Nations budget, as thus far only 1 per cent of the budget of the High Commissioner of Human Rights had been spent on it.

Turning to Mexico’s concern about the code of conduct, he said States and NGOs would not serve to propagate such exploitation.  There was an international coordination committee to address this concern, and the code of conduct was being followed up on a regular basis.  He stressed that these unforgivable acts had to be punished if the alleged facts proved to true.

A representative of Myanmar said her country had been referred to as the country with the most child soldiers in the world, and she asked what criteria had been the basis for this reference.  Did child soldiers only exist in developing countries, or also in developed countries?

Refugee children and internally displaced children were particularly vulnerable and needed specific assistance, said the representative of Azerbaijan

A representative of Cuba asked about the new working methods of the Committee on the Rights of the Child and whether new solutions would be permanent.  He also asked for elaboration on the development of a strategy on children in armed conflict.

What was UNICEF’s strategy for mine clearing in Iraq?, asked a representative of Kuwait.

Responding, Mr. NDIAYE said the enlarged Committee, now functioning in two chambers, was a new initiative that was still being discussed.  It was too soon to say whether the Committee would permanently be split into two chambers.

Speaking in place of Ms. SHAM POO, Ms. GIBBONS of UNICEF said that the figure of the number of child soldiers stemmed from a report of the Secretary-General from 2002.  She added that UNICEF supported many special programmes for refugee children and internally displaced children.  On UNICEF’s support to mine action in Iraq, she said the security situation then had had an impact on all United Nations agencies.  It was hoped that the security situation would soon improve. 

BRUNELLA BORZI (Italy), speaking on behalf of the European Union urged those States that had not yet done so to sign and ratify, or accede to the Convention on the Rights of the Child as a matter of priority, and to consider signing and ratifying the Optional Protocols as well.  She expressed concern about the great number of reservations to that instrument.  Promotion of children’s rights required not only actions specifically targeted at children, but also the mainstreaming of children’s rights within all activities, at all levels.

Regarding the situation of children in armed conflict, the European Union strongly supported all measures to disarm, demobilize and reintegrate children involved in such situations, taking note of the unique needs and situations of girls, as well as the need to prevent recruitment for any sort of armed violence.  For its part, the Union was committed to adopting a set of guidelines on the issue.  Measures must be taken at all levels, in addition, to combat sexual exploitation of children, ensuring that perpetrators are brought to justice, while safeguarding the rights and interests of the victims of those crimes, as well as those children affected by HIV/AIDS.  In all efforts to promote children’s rights, poverty reduction was a key factor.

FREDERICO S. DUQUE ESTRADA MEYER (Brazil) said the promotion and protection of the rights of the child and the adolescent lay at the core of his Government’s social and human rights policies.  That was why it had signed the two Optional Protocols on the Trafficking of Children, Prostitution, and Pornography, as well as on Children in Armed Conflict, and would soon submit its national report to the Committee on the Rights of the Child.  He also reiterated the importance of children in his President’s “Zero Hunger” policy, which aimed to eliminate the structural causes of poverty.

Telling delegates that his country was implementing programmes to eradicate such scourges as child labour and sexual tourism that preyed on children, he also highlighted campaigns to combat racial discrimination against children of African and indigenous descent.  Turning to the world outside Brazil, he lauded the expansion of the Committee on the Rights of the Child to include experts from countries in the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR).  That enlargement would allow for a more balanced geographical representation on the Committee, he said.

RACHEL GROUX (Switzerland) said that the Convention on the Rights of the Child referred to the importance of international cooperation for the protection of the child.  Such international cooperation was particularly important when dealing with paedophiles and the exploitation of children for pornographic purposes.  The international community was duty bound to intensify efforts for the prevention and prosecution of such crimes and the rehabilitation of child victims. 

Respect for human rights was imperative in peacetime, as well as during conflicts, she said.  The Geneva Protocols on the protection of children in times of war must serve as a basis for action.  Prevention in this area would be effective only when the reasons behind children’s participation in conflict were understood. 

She called on all States were called upon to ratify the Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on children in armed conflict and acknowledge that the minimum age for voluntary recruitment must be 18 years of age.  Action must also be taken to help children who had been forced to become child soldiers.  In addition, she stressed the need to mainstream children’s rights in all the work of the United Nations.

ROMY TINCOPA (Peru) said the efforts of her Government were designed to enhance the well-being of children and adolescents, recognizing that the levels of investment on children and adolescents reflected its sensitivity to their needs related to development proposals.  Peru was committed to promoting children’s health, education and well-being in all areas.  Its national action plan for children and adolescents acknowledged the need to protect and promote children’s and adolescents’ rights.

She said one of the priorities of her Government was to combat poverty, with strategies that focused on increasing children’s and adolescents’ access to health and education services.  It also aimed to promote healthy lifestyles, gender-equity, and educational programmes with a sexual component to help reduce early pregnancies and to promote good parenting.  Statistics showed that while more than 95 per cent of boys and girls had access to primary education, there were considerable problems keeping them in school.

Promoting the well-being of children required the coordinated efforts of States and NGOs, as well as the participation of children and adolescents, as the principal protagonists in their own development.

JULIUS ZAYA SHIWEVA (Namibia), speaking on behalf of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), said millions of children continued to face abject poverty, hunger, malnutrition, exploitation as child soldiers, and inadequate social and economic conditions.  They were also increasingly vulnerable to preventable diseases, including the HIV/AIDS pandemic.  Furthermore, a large number of children were maimed, killed, orphaned and displaced as a result of armed conflicts. 

The countries of the Community were firmly committed to ensuring the creation of an enabling environment for the well-being of children, he said.  Healthy and educated children stood a better chance of becoming adults, who could create better lives for themselves and contribute to economic progress.  The Community States, in collaboration with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and other partners, continued to work towards the attainment of sustainable immunization services for children, as one strategy to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. 

HIV/AIDS continued to be a major threat to the developmental gains attained so far, he said.  Recently, the SADC heads of State and government, at a special summit, had approved the establishment of a regional fund for the implementation of the SADC HIV and AIDS Strategic Framework and Programme for Action for 2003 to 2007.  The summit had also adopted a declaration, which identified a number of priority areas, including access to care, prevention of mother-to-child transmission, testing and treatment, resource mobilization, development-oriented approaches, and monitoring and evaluation.

He also said that the proliferation of small arms and light weapons had increased the number of child victims during armed conflict.  Efforts needed to be enhanced by the international community to address the problems posed by the proliferation of small arms and light weapons.

GHOLAM HOSSEIN SEYED SALEHI (Iran) noted that the deprivation of children of their basic rights and needs remained a great problem for human societies. Protecting children, who were the main victims of the horrendous atrocities in times of war or armed conflict, especially children in the territories under foreign occupation, needed to be given prominence, he added.

He called for the strengthening of the family and emphasized that Iran had allocated funding to action, fulfilling the social and cultural rights of children and women.  Children’s courts in Iran paid attention to the special needs of children and adolescents with a view to create a serious change in methods of judgement.  In this regard, workshops had been organized in collaboration with UNICEF to train judges for the special courts for children.

Iran, he said, was considering the ratification of the optional protocol on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography.  A comprehensive study was under way, and the results would be forwarded, as a bill for the approval of the parliament.

MUNA Al-QAHTANI (United Arab Emirates) said that in spite of the accession of many countries to the Convention and protocols on the Rights of the Child, millions of children in developing and poor countries still lived in tragic human conditions of extreme poverty and dangerous communicable diseases, including HIV/AIDS.  They were also subjected to sexual abuse and recruitment as participants in civil wars and regional conflicts.  The status of children in any society was a pure reflection of the economic and security conditions in that society.  She therefore reiterated the need for international cooperation in order to find lasting solutions for the protection of children. 

Convinced that building human beings started from early childhood, her Government gave great attention to the welfare and protection of children from all forms of abuse, she said.  The United Arab Emirates had acceded to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and demonstrated its commitment to its provisions within the context of the country’s Islamic traditions and cultural heritage.  Her Government had provided for free education to all nationals in all educational stages; advanced medical services for children; specialized centres for rehabilitation of children with special needs; and specialized medical centres in all schools across the country.

ARNI HOLE (Norway) said that not only did armed conflict have a devastating impact on children, but Norway was gravely concerned about the ongoing practice of recruiting children in these conflicts, as reported by the Secretary-General in his most recent report to the Security Council on this matter.  Norway urged all parties mentioned in the annex of the said report to immediately halt the recruitment of children.

In order to uphold and fulfil the rights of children, a broad-based approach in fighting poverty was needed, she said.  Norway’s aim was to increase its Official Development Assistance from the current level of 0.93 to 1 per cent of the gross national in come (GNI) by 2005.  A big share of this fund was and would continue to be directed towards children.

Another area of concern was the many thousand women and children, both girls and boys, who were taken from one country to another as part of a trade in human beings, she said.  Under the most recent Norwegian Plan of Action against trafficking in women and children, the Norwegian Government would continue to take part in international efforts to prevent and combat these serious crimes and violations of human rights.  Nationally, the Government would focus on the needs of the victims, including the improvement of rescue centres and shelter, as well as training for those working in such centres.

(annex follows)


Vote on Proposal to Invite Special Rapporteur

The proposal by Syria to invite the Special Rapporteur on human rights in the occupied territories to address the Third Committee was approved by a recorded vote of 140 in favour to 2 against, with 1 abstention, as follows:

In favour:  Afghanistan, Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Canada, Cape Verde, Chile, China, Colombia, Congo, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Democratic Republic of Congo, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Gambia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Latvia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Libya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Malta, Mexico, Monaco, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Niger, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Republic of Korea, Romania, Russian Federation, Rwanda, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia and Montenegro, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Thailand, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Timor-Leste, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United Republic of Tanzania, Uruguay, Venezuela, Viet Nam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe.

Against:  Israel, United States.

Abstain:  Australia.

Absent:  Albania, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Côte d’Ivoire, Djibouti, Dominica, Equatorial Guinea, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Gabon, Georgia, Grenada, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Honduras, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kiribati, Kyrgyzstan, Liberia, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mongolia, Nauru, Nepal, Nicaragua, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Republic of Moldova, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Samoa, Sao Tome and Principe, Seychelles, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Suriname, Tajikistan, Tonga, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu.

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For information media. Not an official record.