In progress at UNHQ



Press Release

Fifty-eighth General Assembly


60th Meeting (AM & PM)



In four rounds of voting today, the General Assembly elected 18 new members to the Economic and Social Council, for three-year terms beginning on 1 January 2004.  The newly elected members of the Council were Armenia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Belize, Canada, Colombia, Indonesia, Italy, Mauritius, Namibia, Nigeria, Panama, Poland, Republic of Korea, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, United Republic of Tanzania and the United States.

The States selected by ballot today will replace the Council’s outgoing members, whose terms will expire on 31 December 2003 –- Andorra, Argentina, Brazil, Egypt, Ethiopia, Georgia, Iran, Italy, Nepal, Netherlands, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Republic of Korea, Romania, South Africa, Uganda and the United States.

In a by-election, the Assembly designated Turkey to fill the vacancy –- from 1 January 2004 to 31 December 2005 –- left by Portugal as a result of that State’s decision to relinquish its seat on the Council before the expiration of its term.

At the top of the meeting, the Assembly appointed Richard Moon (United Kingdom), on the recommendation of the Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary), as a member of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ), for a term of office beginning on 11 November 2003 and ending on 31 December 2004.

The Assembly will next meet at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, 17 November to elect 43 members of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law and seven members of the Committee for Programme and Coordination.  It was also expected to conclude its consideration of support of the United Nations system for the efforts of Governments to consolidate new or restored democracies.


The General Assembly met this morning to appoint a new member of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ), and to hold a by-election and a regular election to fill 19 vacancies on the Economic and Social Council.


The General Assembly held a by-election to fill the unexpired term of office of Portugal, which had announced its decision to relinquish its seat on the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) for the remainder of its term, commencing on 1 January 2004 and expiring on 31 December 2005.  The new member to fill this vacancy was to be elected from among the Western European and other States.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:54 a.m. and resumed at 11:15 a.m.

Western European and Other States:

Total number of ballots:  187; Number of invalid ballots:  4; Number of valid ballots:  183; Abstentions:  6; Number of members voting:  177; Required majority:  118.

Number of votes received:

Turkey:  155; United States:  6; Belgium:  5; Canada:  5; Portugal:  3; Italy:  2; Israel:  1.

Turkey was thus elected to fill the vacant seat left by Portugal.


The Assembly then proceeded to elect 18 new members to the Economic and Social Council.

The Assembly was informed that those eighteen members should be elected as follows:  five from African States, four from Asian States, two from Eastern European States, three from Latin American and Caribbean States, and four from Western European and other States.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:33 a.m. and resumed at 1:09 p.m.

African States:

Total number of ballots:  188; Number of invalid ballots:  0; Number of valid ballots:  188; Abstentions:  1; Number of Members voting:  187; Required majority:  125.

Number of votes received:

Tunisia:  186; Namibia:  183; Mauritius:  180; Nigeria:  180; United Republic of Tanzania:  175; Mauritania:  1.

Asian States:

Total number of ballots:  188; Number of invalid ballots:  0; Number of valid ballots:  188; Abstentions:  1; Number of Members voting:  187; Required majority:  125; Number of votes received:  United Arab Emirates:  167; Bangladesh:  143; Republic of Korea:  133; Indonesia:  130; Cambodia:  121; Kyrgyzstan:   31; Pakistan:  1.

Eastern European States:

Total number of ballots:  188; Number of invalid ballots:  1; Number of valid ballots:  187; Abstentions:  1; Number of Members voting:  186; Required majority:  124.

Number of votes received:

Armenia:  127; Poland:  123; Belarus:  112; Republic of Moldova:  3; Romania:  1.

Latin American and Caribbean States:

Total number of ballots:  188; Number of invalid ballots:  0; Number of valid ballots:  188; Abstentions:  3; Number of Members voting:  185; Required majority:  124.

Number of votes received:

Belize:  180; Colombia:  179; Panama:  179.

Western European and Other States:

Total number of ballots:  188; Number of invalid ballots:  0; Number of valid ballots:  188; Abstentions:  7; Number of Members voting:  181; Required majority:  121;

Number of votes received: 

Belgium:  176; Italy:  172; Canada:  171; United States:  165; Israel:  1; Portugal:  1.

The following States received the required two-thirds majority and would become members of the Council:  Armenia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Belize, Canada, Colombia, Indonesia, Italy, Mauritius, Namibia, Nigeria, Panama, Republic of Korea, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, United Republic of Tanzania and the United States.

Second Round of Balloting

With only Armenia receiving the required majority during the first round of voting, a restricted ballot was held to fill the remaining vacant seat from the Eastern European States.

The Assembly adjourned at 1:25 p.m. and resumed at 1:45 p.m.

Eastern European States

Total number of ballots:  184; Number of invalid ballots:  0; Number of valid ballots:  184; Abstentions:  1; Number of Members voting:  183; Required majority:  122.

Number of votes received:

Poland:  108; Belarus:  75.

Third Round of Balloting

With neither Poland nor Belarus receiving the required majority in the second round of voting, a second restricted ballot was held.

The Assembly adjourned at 3:50 p.m. and resumed at 4:20 p.m.

Eastern European States

Total number of ballots:  172; Number of invalid ballots:  0; Number of valid ballots:  172; Abstentions:  0; Number of Members voting:  172; Required majority:  115.

Number of votes received:

Poland:  113; Belarus:  59.

Fourth Round of Balloting

Again, neither Poland nor Belarus received the required majority.  Thanking all those who voted, the representative of Belarus announced that his country would withdraw its candidacy prior to the fourth round of voting.

The Assembly adjourned at 4:33 p.m. and resumed at 4:45 p.m.

Eastern European States

Total number of ballots:  170; Number of invalid ballots:  0; Number of valid ballots:  170; Abstentions:  8; Number of Members voting:  162; Required majority:  108;

Number of votes received:

Poland:  144; Belarus:  18

Having received the required number of votes, Poland was elected to the Council.

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For information media. Not an official record.