In progress at UNHQ



Press Release

Fifty-sixth General Assembly


21st Meeting (AM)



As the General Assembly began its fifth and final day of debate this morning on measures to eliminate international terrorism, speakers said that, even without a legal definition for terrorism, there were many immediate steps the international community could take to counter it.

Zimbabwe’s representative told the Assembly that terrorism was defined by actions, not by the cause it was intended to serve.  Whether terrorism was domestic or international, affected governments must act on four fronts: prevention; protection; crisis management; and punishment.  Those four tasks must be implemented in the international and domestic arena.

The seeds of division needed to be eliminated for the fight against terrorism to succeed, said Cameroon’s representative.  Furthermore, the pseudo-intellectual argument about a clash of civilizations was more of an apology for hatred than a credible theory.  He said national structures and capacities should be strengthened in that effort.  More assistance, particularly in terms of technology and training, would help developing countries implement viable policies.

The representative of Bahrain said it was regrettable to hear people speaking of Western superiority, particularly when some Muslim countries were calling for a dialogue of civilizations.  Furthermore, he said, the media in some States were undermining the image of Arabs and Muslims.  Spreading such seeds of hatred was no less serious than acts of terrorism themselves.

The representative of Haiti supported the quest for justice after the terror acts in the United States.  He added, however, that the response should not yield to a form of Babylonian vengeance that could unleash a spiral of violence and fuel the fundamentalism of the terrorists.  The response should not be a clash between civilizations, but a battle for civilization.

Terrorists did not discriminate among their victims and destroyed all lives within their reach, Latvia’s representative pointed out.  Among other measures, she said the financing of terrorism should be suppressed.  Also, there should be an end to all “action or inaction” that allowed the practice of terrorism to continue.

Also speaking this morning were the representatives of Nauru, Botswana, Eritrea, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Denmark, Sierra Leone, Estonia, Turkmenistan, Benin, Thailand, Barbados, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Guinea-Bissau and Grenada.

21st Meeting (AM)

`The Assembly will meet again at 3 p.m. today, when it is expected to conclude its current consideration of measures to eliminate international terrorism.


The General Assembly met this morning to continue its debate on measures to eliminate international terrorism.  The debate, which has more than 160 participants, is expected to conclude this afternoon.

For background, see Press Release GA/9919 of 1 October.


VINCI N. CLODUMAR (Nauru), speaking on behalf of the Pacific Island Forum Group, said that he joined the rest of the world in expressing shock and outrage at the tragic events of 11 September.  Terrorist organizations were active in many parts of the world and it would be unrealistic to assume that the Pacific would continue to be free of the scourge.  Less immediate impacts of the attack, such as its impact on air travel, would have a significant impact on the Pacific region.

As recognized by the leaders of the Pacific Island Forum in their joint declaration of 26 September, the attacks of 11 September targeted not the United States alone, but all humanity and common decency, he said.  The group also recalled its collective condemnation and support for international cooperation to eradicate international terrorism, and voiced its commitment to bringing perpetrators of that heinous act to justice.  The group welcomed Security Council resolution 1373 (2001) and would take the actions necessary to suppress the financing of terrorism, assist in criminal investigations, exchange information and restrict the international movement of those individuals or groups.

Existing regional mechanisms would be utilized in the fight against terrorism, he said.  Efforts would be made to regulate money flows, to control the spread of small arms, and to improve regional security.  The Forum needed external support for initiatives to train security personnel, pass vital legislation and disseminate relevant information about terrorism.  Members of the group were looking for ways to increase their participation in the existing framework of instruments combating terrorism.  Through a strong and united response to terrorism, the United Nations and the international community would emerge stronger.

TICHAONA JOSEPH B. JOKONYA (Zimbabwe) said the most frightening aspect of the 11 September terror attacks was that terrorists could strike at anyone and anywhere.  Among the victims of the World Trade Center were Zimbabwean citizens who were peacefully pursuing their American dream.  Terrorism was defined by actions, not by the cause it was intended to serve.  That was the clear purport of Assembly resolution 40/61 (1985) that condemned as criminal "all acts, methods and practices of terrorism wherever and whenever committed".  It was also true that the same resolution recognized the inalienable right to struggle for self-determination and national independence in accordance with the United Nations Charter.

It was a given that regardless of whether terrorism was domestic or international in character, affected governments must act, he continued.  All government action to deal with terrorism fell into four categories:  prevention; protection; crisis management; and punishment.  Those four tasks must be implemented in the international as well as the domestic arena.  Domestically, every government was the sovereign authority of the State.  Internationally, each government had distinctly limited authority and must approach the problem in cooperation with its fellows.  In dealing with terrorism, each government decided how much it wished to work with other governments in such areas as information exchange, joint planning, cooperation in an incident and cooperation in the pursuit of terrorists.

He said he would support suppressing the financing of terrorism as asked for in Security Council resolution 1373 (2001).  His country was ready to cooperate in the fight against international terrorism and looked forward to positively considering all requests coming within the context of the United Nations. International terrorism was an offence against the peace and security of mankind.

MARTIN BELINGA-EBOUTOU (Cameroon) said that acts of terrorism targeted and killed innocent people and devastated the very structure of society.  It shattered the foundations of society and demolished human rights.  The decision to discuss terrorism was testimony to a heightened awareness of the magnitude of the evil.  The crimes of terrorists had taken hold of the collective imagination and instilled widespread fear.

He urged the Assembly to act together, so that those who had planned this act of terrorism did not go unpunished.  Those attacks must compel States to sign and ratify existing instruments and conventions, he said, as well as the Rome Statute for the International Criminal Court.  In that context, he reminded the Assembly of the Non-Aligned Movements’ proposal to hold a high-level international conference, under the auspices of the United Nations, on how to combat terrorism.

To succeed in the struggle against terrorism, national structures and national capacities needed to be strengthened, he continued.  Faced with the complexity of the terrorists’ modus operandi, he stressed that more assistance was needed from developed countries, especially in terms of technology and training.  Only such assistance would enable developing countries to implement viable policies.  Finally, he stressed that to succeed in the fight against terrorism, seeds of division needed to be avoided.  He denounced the pseudo-intellectuals who tried to demonstrate the "theory" of the clash of civilizations.  That was more of an apology for hatred than a credible theory, he said.  No people or region had the monopoly on terrorism.  Combating terrorism, therefore, also meant rejecting the idea that it was inherent in a given religious community or people.

PIERRE LELONG (Haiti) said that the recent terrorist attacks in the United States were already being seen as a historical turning point.  Those inhuman acts had undermined the basis of democracy, threatening international peace and security, liberty, human rights, well-being and prosperity.  His country supported the people of the United States in their quest for justice through a measured and timely response, aimed both at those directly responsible and their accomplices.  But, that response should not yield to a form of Babylonian vengeance, which could unleash a spiral of never-ending violence and fuel the fundamentalism of the terrorists.

The response to terrorism should not be a clash between civilizations, but a battle for civilization, he said.  The international community had already adopted 10 conventions and two protocols dealing with terrorism in its various forms.  These instruments should be strengthened.  For some time now, the world had been witnessing the rise of armed groups and the formation of an international network terrifying in its capacity to destroy.  The international community must not downplay the importance of international legal instruments.

The major objective of the international community was answering the question of how to struggle effectively against terrorism, taking into account political, economic and other factors that serve to assist it.  It must identify and heal the root causes of terrorism.  It must form under the United Nations a major coalition against poverty, hunger and marginalization, a task that was now more urgent than ever.

LEUTLWETSE MMUALEFE (Botswana) said the collective history of the community of nations bore with it a regrettable trail of tragic efforts that undermined the tranquility and peace of nations.  No single attack could stand above any other with regards to national impact.  What separated the acts of 11 September from others was the visibility, the unprecedented magnitude of lives lost, and the meticulous conception and execution, which penetrated the most secure defensive and intelligence capability the world had ever known.

His country was party to a number of regional and international

anti-terrorism instruments, he continued.  It had been the fourth State party to the recent International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism.  He encouraged all other nations who had not become party to those invaluable legal instruments to consider doing so as expeditiously as possible.  Botswana would criminalize and punish any form of terror unjustifiably unleashed on any target within its borders for whatever motivations; be they political, philosophical, racial, ethnic or religious.

He said many terrorist individuals and groups were known to profit and prosper from drug trafficking, the unlawful arms trade and money laundering.  As the Executive-Director of the Vienna-based United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention had said:  success in combating terrorism required both strategic insights from research and international cooperation based on best practices and lessons learned.  To that end, the establishment of the Terrorism Prevention Branch  and the United Nations Center for International Crime Prevention was a step in the right direction.  Those entities still required further strengthening, he said.

DACE DOBRAJA (Latvia) said her country had held a day of mourning after the incidents of 11 September.  She also expressed regret over an airplane crash into the Baltic Sea of her region.

Terrorists did not discriminate among their victims, she said.  The terrorist act was a prime threat to peace and security, in that it destroyed all lives within its reach.  Terrorism had no face, no borders, nationality or religion.  To succeed in combating it, actions were called for at the national, regional and international level.

Implementing the recent Security Council resolution was one course of action that could be taken immediately, she said.  Another was to suppress the financing of terrorism and to call for an end to all “action or inaction” that allowed the practice of terrorism to continue.  Still other actions included increasing information exchange and tightening borders.  Since all national and regional efforts should be carried out in the context of a coordinated international effort, a high-level international event was called for.  The Assembly’s debate had shown that no country was a mere observer of terrorism and no country could deal with the global threat alone.  Joint international action was mandatory.

AMARE TEKLE (Eritrea) said Eritrea had benefited from United States assistance and cooperation in its own struggle against terrorism since the early days of its independence.  It was in solidarity with the people and Government of the United States, and it reaffirmed its firm commitment to participate in any effort that sought to bring the perpetrators of that infamy to justice, to eradicate the scourge, and to ensure that similar crimes against humanity were never again committed.

Eritreans knew from bitter experience that the international community had been plagued by, and had to endure, terrorism for quite a while, he continued.  In fact, by the time Eritrea joined the international community as a sovereign State, terrorism had already become a threat to international peace, security and stability.  Not long after, the young nation was to become one of the prime victims of terrorism.  At that time, it realized terrorism had no religion, race, ethnicity or nationality.  It also realized that no country could be immune from terrorism.

Any such international effort must be undertaken under the auspices of the United Nations, he said, if only because it had the unique capacity to build a broad consensus and because it already provided a legal framework, which could be improved to strengthen any future action that was to be taken.  Thus, Eritrea supported the adoption of a comprehensive convention on terrorism and expressed its thanks to India for the draft comprehensive convention on international terrorism that it had submitted to the Sixth Committee (Legal).

LI HYONG CHOL (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) said that acts of terrorism resulted from various political motivations and purposes, and were committed in an arbitrary and reckless manner.  This required that the leading role of the United Nations be further enhanced in addressing international issues, including the elimination of terrorism.  Since terrorism emerged as a serious international problem, the Member States would have to properly determine the root causes of terrorism and consider the ways and means to effectively cope with it.

It was essential that Member States had the correct concept of what terrorism was, he said, and that they contribute, in a fair and unbiased way, to the efforts of international society to uproot the causes of terrorism.  The problem of terrorism must be resolved in conformity with the United Nations Charter and relevant international law.  He said that mistrust and confrontation between countries must be removed and the principles and ideals of the Charter must be adhered to. 

He added that the act of imposing the term terrorism on independent States advocating for sovereign equality in international relations and violating their sovereignty with armed intervention, occupation, unilateral pressure and sanctions must be duly denounced, as it represented State terrorism. 

ELLEN MARGRETHE LOJ (Denmark) associating her statement with comments made on behalf of the European Union earlier in the Assembly’s debate, said terrorism was the most serious threat to international peace and security today.  Terrorist acts like those committed on 11 September targeted innocent civilians and created fear among the general public.  It was important to remember that no cause could justify such cowardly and murderous actions.  Indeed, it appeared that terrorism and terrorist activities only served to undermine everything the perpetrators claimed they were fighting for.

The underlying causes of terrorism must not be ignored, she continued.  At the same time, however, efforts to combat international terrorism could not await an immediate solution.  All appropriate means must be pursued -- in times of peace as well as conflict -– to bring the perpetrators of such criminal acts to justice.  It was in the interest of the entire international community to cooperate on anti-terrorist initiatives, as well as to support the United Nations' crucial role in such endeavors.  To that end, as an immediate follow-up to the recent United Nations resolution on terrorism, her Government had initiated careful implementation processes, in close cooperation with partners within the European Union.  It had augmented those efforts with relevant national legislative initiatives.

She went on to say that Denmark’s national measures were aimed at preventing terrorism, hampering the financing for terrorist activities, as well as strengthening efforts against the smuggling of human beings and money laundering.  With international focus shifting the issue, the importance of combating other major global challenges, such as eradication of poverty and the protection and promotion of human rights and the rule of law, must not be forgotten.  Renewed political will and the allocation of resources to those ends must be ensured, particularly as they are all closely linked to maintaining peace and the prevention of conflicts.  Still, it was most important for the United Nations community to establish a comprehensive convention on international terrorism.

JASSIM MOHAMMED BUALLAY (Bahrain) said that many efforts had been made to eliminate terrorism, by many international and governmental organs.  Regional and international conventions had been established and adopted and in 1996 the General Assembly had created a Committee subsidiary to its legal committee to draft a convention on the suppression and elimination of terrorism.  So far, differences had prevented any significant progress.  He added that several Arab States had been in the forefront in providing initiatives for the struggle against terrorism, including supporting the proposal for a high-level conference on the elimination of terrorism, held under the auspices of the United Nations.

The success of the response of the international community would be linked to many issues, he said.  First and foremost, it was necessary to clearly define terrorism.  That would determine the factors leading to terrorism and allow the punishment of the perpetrators of terrorism.  It was also necessary to distinguish between terrorism and the legitimate struggle for liberation against occupation, as in the case of the Palestinian people.  The world must condemn acts committed by Israel, such as the killing of innocents, children and the elderly, and the destruction of homes using modern sophisticated weapons.

It was also essential to ensure that terrorism was not linked to a specific people or religion, he said.  Terrorism was an aberration in all human societies.  In a time when several Muslim countries were calling for a dialogue of civilizations, it was regrettable to hear people in some States speaking of Western superiority.  Furthermore, the media in some States had waged pointed media campaigns aimed at destroying the image of Arabs and Muslims.  Spreading such seeds of hatred was no less serious than the acts of terrorism themselves.  Finally, terrorism had economic, political and social roots.  It was, therefore, vital to address those issues in order to eradicate terrorism.

IBRAHIM KAMARA (Sierra Leone) said he supported the position of the Non-Aligned Movement on international terrorism, as expressed in the Durban Declaration.  While there was support for the legitimate struggles of peoples all over the world for independence and dignity, the attacks on innocent civilians should be condemned as cowardly, despicable crimes against the peace and security of mankind.  Sierra Leone believed that the focus should now turn on a precise and comprehensive definition of international terrorism.  Everyone knew what it was, but that was not enough; political will and commitments were needed to agree on a definition.  That had been done at the regional level, and now it needed to be done at the international level, under the aegis of the United Nations.

Bringing to justice those who killed innocent people in acts of terrorism had to be the commitment of the international community, he said.  For example, if there was prima facie evidence that an individual or a select group was involved in the commission of acts of terrorism, they had to be brought before a national court or an international court to account for their crimes against humanity, war crimes and possibly genocide.  Certain entities, for example, did not have credible legal systems that met the international standards of justice and transparency.  In such cases, therefore, the individual or select group had to be handed over to a country that had the legal infrastructure to try those involved in the commission of the crime.

A network of major conventions to prevent and suppress acts of terrorism had been passed, he added.  Despite those conventions, acts of terrorism continued, for rogue states persistently continued to frustrate the will of the international community.  This was why he was welcomed the adoption of Security Council Resolution 1373 (2001) to combat international terrorism.  It decided that all States had to endeavour to prevent and suppress the commission of terrorist acts in all their forms and manifestations.  Sierra Leone insisted that States that provided support or solace to terrorists had to be swiftly and definitively punished.  They had to be sanctioned, and their political and military leaders had to be individually held responsible for crime committed by the perpetrators.

MERLE PAJULA (Estonia) said that, after the horrific events of 11 September, Estonia aligned itself with the previous statement by the European Union and was giving full support to actions taken by the United Nations to ensure that no one, whether States or individuals, supported, financed, or harboured terrorism.  The use of multilateral institutions as a common platform for action had become more important than ever.

In such a context, the vital importance of cooperation at all levels of society, as well as at the regional and sub-regional levels, should be stressed, he said.  Together with its Baltic neighbours, Estonia had taken concrete steps in working out a package of joint measures in response to the terrorist attacks against the United States.  The package contained practical humanitarian, security, military and legal measures.

Estonia had already worked out a list of preliminary measures for waging the war against terrorism, he said.  The process for ratification of the International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings and the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism had been accelerated.  Legal instruments alone were not sufficient, they must be coupled with genuine cooperation between governments and their law enforcement agencies.  The common fight should be given all the necessary tools by coordinating anti-terrorist measures and enhanced information exchange between all allies.    

AKSOLTAN T. ATAEVA (Turkmenistan) said  terrorism was one of ugliest phenomena of the current time.  The dangerous trend towards an expansion of its scope had turned it into a real threat to mankind.  The more frequent terrorist acts -- such as bombing, drug trafficking and hostage-taking -- had caused the loss of thousands of innocent lives and undermined the economies of countries.  Terrorism should be punished and eliminated at its roots in each and every country.

The United Nations was the only forum for establishing a world anti-terrorist coalition, she said, which should be a permanent body of the Organization with clearly stated goals, tasks and working machinery.  Such a system would see to it that any manifestation of terrorism would not remain unpunished.  She also favoured convening an international conference to pool the efforts of States to eliminate and prevent terrorism.

The  international instruments against terrorism must be increased, she said.  The most reliable would be a comprehensive convention against international terrorism, which must be speedily completed.  The world must fight against terrorism, but the campaign needed a careful and deliberate approach, which would not harm innocents or run counter to international law.  The United Nations must also play a central role in the Afghanistan peace talks.  Turkmenistan proposed establishing an office in Ashgabad for that purpose.

JOEL WASSI ADECHI (Benin) said the 11 September attack could not have come at a more auspicious time.  It had occurred just as the Assembly was to begin its deliberations during the Year of Dialogue among Civilizations.  Also discussed during the current session were the preparations for the International Criminal Court.  The terrorist action had received the international community’s attention and had made it understand that action was needed at the national, regional and international levels.

He said his country had pledged its assistance to the United States on a bilateral basis and would also cooperate in the multilateral forum on actions and decisions that would be reached at the United Nations.  Recalling the resolutions, initiatives and pledges that had been discussed during the debate, he said one thing was clear -- the fight against terrorism would be long and hard.  It would also be fraught with difficulties and ambiguities.  To unify the international community in the needed global course of action, it was necessary, at this point, to unequivocally define the concept of terrorism.  That was the only way to ensure a future for children and the survival of humanity.

KULKUMUT SINGHARA NA AYUDHAYA (Thailand) said that in the United Nations and elsewhere the international community had been closing ranks to fight against the common threat that terrorism posed to international peace and security.  He joined the United Nations in its call to bring the perpetrators and planners of the outrages to justice.  Unity must be maintained as the international community moved from condemnation of terrorist acts to cooperation in fighting them.

The resolutions that the General Assembly and Security Council had already passed had virtually eliminated the idea of neutrality in the fight against terrorism, he said.  Member States had a clear international obligation to cooperate with one another to fight terrorism.  Security Council Resolution

1373 (2001) set out a comprehensive framework to combat terrorism and recognized the close connections between terrorism and illicit drugs, transnational organized crime and money laundering, among other things.  The drug producer or drug trafficker was just as much a terrorist as the person who held the gun.

Terrorism was a threat for all of humanity and all Members of the international community should continue to be given the opportunity to contribute to the plan of action taken to combat it, he said.  The important roles the United Nations General Assembly and its Sixth Committee in developing a comprehensive convention on terrorism should be accelerated and supported.  In a globalized world, no one State could tackle a global problem alone -- there was no better alternative than multilateralism.  In fighting terrorism, the international community must not encroach upon human rights nor succumb to paranoia.

JUNE CLARKE (Barbados) said the use of terrorism as a means to an end had no place in the modern world of tolerance and peaceful coexistence to which the Member States of the United Nations were committed.  Her country supported the call for the perpetrators of the ignominious crime to be identified, apprehended and brought to justice.  She was aware that no country, however small, was immune to terrorism.  Indeed, small countries were particularly vulnerable because they frequently did not have the logistical and intelligence assets to effectively track the activities of terrorists and other agents of transnational crime.  Her Government would continue its cooperation in exchanging information with law enforcement authorities of other jurisdictions.

Barbados was committed to ensuring that its national territory was not used by terrorists to launch or to finance the launching of attacks against third countries, she said.  She stressed that Barbados had no intention of allowing its financial services sector to be used as a conduit for the financing of the activities of terrorists or any other international criminal elements.  It had scrupulously adhered to the guidelines laid down by the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force, affiliated to the Financial Action Task Force, and would continue to cooperate fully with bilateral partners and with ongoing regional and international anti-money-laundering efforts.

She said the economic impact of the dreadful events was not just being felt by New York and the United States, but by all nations around the world, especially the smallest and most vulnerable.  Coping with the economic consequences of 11 September was a shared problem which would also require priority international attention in the coming weeks and months.

MILOS PRICA (Bosnia and Herzegovina) said that despite the many international treaties and resolutions on international terrorism, their appropriate and comprehensive implementation was lacking.  A comprehensive approach should be used for combating the problem, on the global, regional and national levels.  That should include all legal, political and economic aspects.  His Government was fully committed to global efforts to eradicate international terrorism and had approved a plan of action to that end.  Among its other initiatives, a coordinating body had been established to prepare a report for the Security Council about measures and activities for implementation of the relevant resolution.

Also, he continued, his country would sign and ratify the recently adopted United Nations Convention for Combating the Financing of Terrorism.  In addition, amendments to the Asylum and Immigration Law would be finalized and then sent on an urgent basis to the Parliamentary Assembly for adoption.  New security measures would be implemented at all airports, and the State Border Service and customs control would be strengthened.  Further, a new visa regime would be established, and all accounts and deposits that could belong to individuals and groups linked with international terrorist groups would be frozen.

Reiterating strongly that international terrorism had no roots in any religion, he condemned all individuals and groups manipulating religion as a means of justifying horrible crimes.  He would suggest that such crimes be included under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court.  For its part, the United Nations should continue to play a leading role in fighting international terrorism.  Advances in science and technology posed clear threats if placed in the hands of terrorists.  Thus, the Organization should adopt measures to ensure that such progress was applied to the betterment of humanity and not to intensifying its worst fears.

LUZÉRIA DOS SANTOS JALÓ (Guinea-Bissau) said the criminal minds responsible for the recent acts had neither hearts nor human purpose, and still less a faith in God.  Those godless people had a simple name -- terrorists.  On 11 September, the people of New York had served as an inspiration to everyone.  In the shadow of their pain, they had stood without intimidation.  The terrorists could win no one's heart, she said.  They could not intimidate the community of nations for continuing the fight, which had led to the creation of the United Nations.  This was a fight for a world of peace and security in which the children of the future could enjoy a tomorrow free of violence and fear.

The fight against international terrorism seemed to be a complicated task.  The attacks had made it evident that no country and no place was immune from terrorism.  She urged the international community to strengthen its efforts to solve regional conflicts as one of the methods to combat terrorism.

The world was preparing for an international conference on financing for development, she noted.  To achieve the goals of the conference, peace and security were needed.  There could be no development without peace, especially in today’s globalized world.  She added that international law under the United Nations Charter must be applied so that all nations could enjoy peace and work towards sustainable development.  Her Government believed in dialogue as a way to solve problems and was therefore supportive of efforts at finding better alternatives to combat terrorism.  Guinea-Bissau was committed to work on the implementation of the existing international anti-terrorism conventions and all new conventions, propositions and measures that could help against terrorism.

LAMUEL STANISLAUS (Grenada) said that the dastardly, criminal and horrific terrorist act perpetrated on the United States and upon the civilized world on 11 September had galvanized the international community in their condemnation and resolve, especially the people of the United States and, indeed, New Yorkers, who had found strength and unity in adversity.  His country had also lost nationals in

those attacks and felt the pain of the thousands of people of other countries who had lost loved ones.

Grenada fully supported and endorsed Security Council resolution 1373 (2001), which set out the measures that countries -- big and small, rich and poor -- must now take to prevent and combat terrorists wherever they may be found.  His country had already taken steps to prevent and suppress the financing of terrorist acts.  Its priority would be to seek to prevent those who finance, plan, facilitate or commit terrorist acts from using Grenada for those purposes against other States or citizens.  It would also find ways to intensify and accelerate the exchange and sharing of information.

His Government fully supported developing a comprehensive and effective legal framework to combat terrorism, he said.  It had begun reviewing international conventions already in place with a view to signing, ratifying and fully implementing them.  While some were regional, priority was being given to the existing 12 United Nations conventions against terrorism, particularly the convention on terrorist financing.  It was necessary for the international community to send a clear signal to the terrorists that their philosophy was fundamentally wrong and totally unacceptable.

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For information media. Not an official record.