In progress at UNHQ



26 March 1999

Press Release



The Population Division would continue its work while giving due attention to issues related to youth, ageing, migration and data collection, according to one of two draft proposals approved in the Commission on Population and Development as it concluded its session this afternoon.

The Commission will continue to meet until 31 March as the preparatory committee for the General Assembly special session on review of implementation of the Programme of Action adopted by the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) (Cairo, 1994).

By the draft resolution on population growth, structure and distribution (document E/CN.9/1999/L.4), the Economic and Social Council would request the Population Division to continue its research on population growth, structure and distribution, including levels, trends, determinants, consequences and policies. The Division's research should help governments compare experiences and understand the factors underlying changing demographic circumstances. The Council would also call upon governments to continue to facilitate the work of the Division.

The Commission also approved a draft resolution on special themes for the Commission on Population and Development in the years 2000-2004 (document E/CN.9/1999/L.5). By that text, the Commission decided to reaffirm its decision that "Population, gender and development" should be the special theme for the Commission at its thirty-third session, in the year 2000. It decided that the special theme for the thirty-fourth session shall be "Population, environment and development". The Commission also requested the United Nations Secretariat to submit themes for the thirty-fifth and thirty-sixth sessions, in consultation with Member States, for a decision by the Commission at its next session.

The Commission also approved the draft provisional agenda for its next session and the report of its current session.

In other actions, the Commission elected Zaree Zare (Iran) as Vice- Chairman.

Population Commission - 2 - Press Release POP/719 4th Meeting (PM) 26 March 1999

Robert Louis Cliquet (Belgium), Chairman of the Commission, made a statement concerning the two joint meetings between the bureaus of the Commission on the Status of Women, Commission on Sustainable Development and the Commission on Population and Development. During those meetings it was suggested that the three bureaus had a yearly meeting coinciding with the regular session of the Economic and Social Council. They also discussed holding a joint programme for the International Year of Older Persons.

Joseph Chamie, Director of the Population Division, reviewed a joint meeting between the bureaus of the Economic and Social Council and the Population Commission. Topics discussed during that meeting included: coordination with United Nations funds and programmes, and basic indicators to measure economic and social progress.

In his closing statement, Mr. Cliquet said the current session was shortened greatly due to the special session this year. Despite that, the Commission succeeded in dealing with all the items on its agenda. The former bureau of the Commission had made a number of recommendations to improve the Commission's work. While not all of those recommendations had been implemented, they should be considered further in upcoming sessions. He regretted that the Commission was not able to fix its programme for the next five years.

Also in a closing statement, Mr. Chamie noted that the Commission had completed its work with record-breaking speed -- a true achievement in light of the agenda. The condensed session had put pressure on both the Commission and the Secretariat, which had performed well in facilitating the successful completion of the work. The Commission would again meet in one year to take up the topic of "Population, gender and development". He requested Member States to turn in the latest questionnaire, in order to provide the Division with information about their population policies.

The Commission will meet again at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, 31 March, to conclude its session as the preparatory committee for the special session of the General Assembly for reviewing implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action.

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For information media. Not an official record.