Press Release
19990209 Didier Opertti (Uruguay) Recalls Proposals for Overcoming Problems of Globalized Economy, Says United Nations Cannot Remain BehindFollowing is the text of the remarks by the President of the fifty-third session of the General Assembly, Didier Opertti (Uruguay), on the occasion of the second meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Financing for Development:
It is a pleasure for me to welcome you at the start of our deliberations on financing for development. I hope that we shall all make our best efforts to bring this undertaking to a successful conclusion.
We are aware that this is only a starting point in a potentially difficult task -- there are multiple challenges and opportunities -- offering valuable compensation.
For several million people, the development gains of the last few decades have been seriously eroded over the course of the past 18 months because of major interruptions in the flow of financing for development; many millions more are facing the same depressing prospects over the next few months. Others have not yet enjoyed the benefits of access to financial markets. As a result of all this, there are now innumerable proposals for overcoming the various problems of our globalized world economy. At the national level, civil society is making a call across the length and breadth of the globe for the benefits of globalization to be more broadly and equitably distributed.
The United Nations cannot remain behind at such a critical stage. The course which we are preparing to undertake provides an opportunity for the United Nations to contribute as only this Organization can in the formulation of the necessary action. This first meeting of the Working Group on financing for development is the culmination of more than two decades of efforts by the international community to deal in the most comprehensive manner possible with this vital issue, which undoubtedly constitutes one of the priorities ahead of
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us. This Group will be decisive in identifying ways through which the United Nations can make its contribution to the reformulation of thinking on financing for development. There are no rapid or clear answers. The Group's goal should be to identify the means necessary to coordinate the various national perspectives with the unique multifaceted approach of the United Nations. Our task this year must be to ask the right questions, identify the areas of agreement which will make it possible to resolve these questions and seek the best possible ways forward.
Although we have not formally begun the discussions, I feel particularly encouraged by the reports I have received about the progress which has been made in laying the bases for the establishment of the Working Group. I refer first, foremost, and above all, to the open-minded attitude and the commitment of all delegations to achieving tangible results. The financing for development in an increasingly globalized world is a question which, due to its complexity and importance, can only be dealt with on the basis of collective commitment and confidence. We all have great expectations for its success. Over the last two years, the delegations have worked in a laudable spirit of cooperation in preparing resolutions 52/179 and 53/173, which were both adopted by consensus. This constructive working climate has been particularly stimulated by the innovative process of informal panel discussions introduced last year by the Chairman and the bureau of the Second Committee; which has helped us to better address the themes that have emerged in the course of the deliberations.
I am pleased that the General Assembly has accepted my proposal that Ernst Sucharipa, Permanent Representative of Austria, and Kamalesh Sharma, Permanent Representative of India, should be the Vice-Chairmen of the Group. I am sure that, with the full cooperation of all concerned, the success of the Working Group will be assured.
I personally am also committed to this goal and I wish to assure you, distinguished participants in the work of the Group, that you can continue to count on my total and permanent support in whatever form and whenever it is required.
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