

21 May 1998

Press Release



The Secretary-General travelled to Arusha, United Republic of Tanzania, from Kenya on Tuesday, 5 May. The first item on his programme was a visit to the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (see Press Release SG/SM/6551). He discussed the work of the Tribunal with its President, Laity Kama, and four of its judges. He then discussed management issues of the Tribunal with Registrar Agwu Okali. He observed a hearing of the Tribunal which was taking place at the time.

After addressing the staff and taking some questions from the press, he visited Arusha's Airport Prison, where 22 detainees were being held on charges in connection with the Rwanda genocide of 1994.

On this, his eighth day on the road, the Secretary-General was the guest of the Tanzanian Foreign Minister, J.M. Kikwete, on a visit late in the afternoon to Lake Manyara and to the Ngorongoro Crater National Park.

On Wednesday morning, the Secretary-General spent some additional time at Ngorongoro Crater with Foreign Minister Kikwete, before flying to Dar es Salaam to continue his official programme.

He met with over 50 heads of diplomatic missions in Dar es Salaam. He briefed them on the status of his reform efforts and asked them to resist the tendency to micro-manage the world body. In response to questions, he described United Nations-Organization of African Unity (OAU) plans to meet to enhance Africa's capacity in peacekeeping; his hopes for the forthcoming conference in Kampala on refugees, which he will attend; and current efforts to resolve the Middle East problem.

His next meeting was with heads of United Nations agencies, at which he heard about the work of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) with the Government on development and investment; the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) on the agricultural needs of the country; and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) on the problems between Tanzania and Burundi on the subject of refugees.

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He then met with United Nations staff, encouraging them to work together and to reach out to civil society.

He had an encounter with members of the Tanzanian Parliament, including members of the opposition.

He ended his day with a meeting with President Benjamin William Mkapa. They discussed the Great Lakes region and relations with the IMF. The Secretary-General later attended a dinner which was hosted by the President.

On Thursday morning, 7 May, the Secretary-General spoke to the press, then met with Mark Bomani and Felix Mosha, advisers to former Tanzanian President Julius Nyerere, on the subject of the current situation in Burundi. He then departed Dar es Salaam for Bujumbura in Burundi.

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For information media. Not an official record.