Press Release
19960806 (Received from a UN Information Officer.)KINGSTON, 5 August -- The Assembly of the International Seabed Authority began the second part of its second session this afternoon by agreeing to allow 30 countries to continue to participate in its work on a provisional basis.
Under the terms of the Agreement on the implementation of the deep seabed mining provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, those countries were entitled to continue their provisional membership, provided they had notified the depository of their intention to do so by 28 July 1996. However, they have not yet notified the Secretary-General of the United Nations of their intention. Eighteen other States have.
The current President of the Assembly, Hasjim Djalal (Indonesia), said the presence of those countries indicated their wish to continue their provisional membership, but they had not yet met the technical requirements for continuing their status.
During discussions with the chairmen of the regional groups this morning, he said it had been decided to take "a somewhat lenient attitude" and let those States continue to participate on the understanding that they would submit their notifications in the required form in the very near future. He noted that one member of the Council had not yet notified the United Nations Secretary-General of its intention to continue its provisional status, and he urged it to immediately communicate with him on the matter.
The representative of Nigeria reserved his position on the issue of extending the provisional membership of States that had failed to notify the Secretary-General of their intentions. He feared that the Assembly might be setting a precedent in this regard.
The Convention on the Law of the Sea set up the International Seabed Authority to administer the resources of the deep seabed beyond the limits of national jurisdiction. The two main organs of the Authority are the Assembly, whose membership consists of all parties to the Convention, as well as all those States who have agreed to the provisional application of the 1994
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Agreement. The other main organ is the Council, which consists of 36 members elected by the Assembly.
Sessions Work Programme
Outlining the programme of work for this session, Mr. Djalal said the election of members of the Finance Committee would be a priority during the current session. Unless it was formed, certain fundamental issues would be affected, and there could be some difficulty in budget deliberations.
Membership in the Finance Committee would include the five largest contributors to the Authority -- the United States, Japan, Germany, France and the United Kingdom -- as well as representatives of special interests, with due account being taken of equitable geographical distribution. So far, 13 nominations have been received for the 15 positions on the Committee.
During the discussion on the composition of the Finance Committee, some delegations favoured the election of those candidates that could be elected at present, deferring further elections to a future date.
The Finance Committee elaborates draft financial rules, regulations and procedures on the Authority's financial management and internal financial administration of the Authority. It is also expected to review the Authority's proposed 1997 budget and the financial aspects of the implementation of the programme of work of the Authority's secretariat for 1997.
The election of the next President of the Assembly, the Chairman of the Council and the adoption of the Council's rules of procedures were other priority issues before this session, Mr. Djalal added.
Representatives of New Zealand, Namibia, Canada, Nigeria, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Russian Federation, Senegal, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, Uruguay, Australia, Philippines, Tunisia, Kenya and Mexico took part in the discussions this afternoon.
The Assembly will meet again at a date to be announced. The Council of the Authority will meet tomorrow at 3 p.m.
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