

15 July 1996

Press Release


19960715 The genocide in Rwanda in 1994 was one of the greatest catastrophes to befall a nation since the Second World War, but it was an international tragedy as well, writes Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali in his extensive introduction to the newly released The United Nations and Rwanda, 1993-1996, the tenth volume in the "blue books" series. As a result of the genocide, "the expectation that the international community, in a new global era, could and would act swiftly and resolutely in the name of peace, justice and global solidarity suffered a distinct setback".

The blue books series, which was selected by the American Library Association for a Notable Government Documents award, is published by the Department of Public Information (DPI).

In the introduction, the Secretary-General states that while "the responsibility for the genocide lies directly with certain elements of the Rwandan people, the international community must also bear some of the burden for allowing the disaster to reach such horrendous proportions".

The book points out, however, that after the initial international hesitation, the entire United Nations system was mobilized to help stabilize the situation, alleviate the suffering of the survivors and assist the country on the path to reconstruction. Among the Organization's notable achievements are the ongoing efforts to protect human rights and rebuild Rwanda's judicial system, the massive humanitarian and refugee assistance programmes undertaken, and the establishment of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda to prosecute alleged perpetrators of the genocide, only the second time since the Second World War that such a body has been created.

The United Nations has maintained a massive programme of humanitarian assistance in Rwanda, as well as for the Rwandan refugees in Burundi, United Republic of Tanzania, Uganda and Zaire. The United Nations peace-keepers have worked to provide security, undertake mine clearance, assist in the return of refugees and internally displaced persons and rebuild the country's infrastructure. While today there is relative stability in Rwanda along with significantly improved living conditions, much remains to be overcome, including the lack of national reconciliation, a devastated economy and the presence of a million-and-a-half refugees in neighbouring States.

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In addition to resolutions of the General Assembly and Security Council and reports of the Secretary-General, the 188 documents in The United Nations and Rwanda, 1993-1996 include:

-- The Arusha Peace Agreement and related Protocols signed by the Government of Rwanda and the Rwandese Patriotic Front in 1993;

-- Reports on violations of international humanitarian law, the work of the International Tribunal for Rwanda and the ongoing situation of human rights in Rwanda;

-- Previously unpublished correspondence of the Secretary-General; and

-- International appeals, situation reports and other materials concerning the efforts to provide humanitarian assistance and support for refugees and internally displaced persons.

The book also features a detailed chronology of events.

The blue books series, published by the DPI, covers major developments of the past five decades in which the United Nations has played a leading role. The series is designed to provide primary research and reference tools to policy-makers, journalists, historians and others interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the work of the Organization.

The first book in the series, The United Nations and Apartheid, 1948- 1994, was published in December 1994. Also available are The United Nations and Cambodia, 1991-1995, The United Nations and Nuclear Non-Proliferation, The United Nations and El Salvador, 1990-1995, The United Nations and Mozambique, 1992-1995, The United Nations and the Advancement of Women, 1945-1996, The United Nations and Human Rights, 1945-1995, The United Nations and Somalia, 1992-1996 and The United Nations and the Iraq-Kuwait Conflict, 1990-1996.

The United Nations and Rwanda, 1993-1996 (739 pages) is available as a sales item. For more information, please contact United Nations Publications, Room DC2-0853, Dept. 184A, New York, N.Y. 10017, tel. (800) 253-9646 and (212) 963-8302, fax (212) 963-3489; United Nations Publications, Sales Office and Bookshop, CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland, tel 41-22-917-2614, fax 41-22- 917-0027; or United Nations Information Centres around the world.

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NOTE:Review copies of The United Nations and Rwanda, 1993-1996 are available from the United Nations Publications Office.

For information media. Not an official record.