

16 April 1996

Press Release


19960416 Following is the text of Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali's message to the opening today of the fifty-first session of the Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) in Geneva:

It gives me great pleasure to extend my greetings and best wishes to those attending this fifty-first session of the Economic Commission for Europe and I wish you all a productive session which will pave the way for the Commission's Jubilee Session in 1997.

One year ago, on the occasion of your annual session of the Commission, I noted my hope that in commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the United Nations, the Commission would endeavour not only to focus on its past contribution to the United Nations, but also on practical measures being taken to bring the work of the United Nations and the Commission to the attention of the people of the European region and to prepare itself to address the problems of tomorrow.

We must focus on the future. I therefore was pleased to learn of the steps taken by the Commission at its fiftieth session to launch a process which will lead to the definition of the strategic directions of future activities of the ECE reflecting new realities in the region.

This initiative by the Commission complements my own ongoing efforts to reform the United Nations, of which the Commission is an integral part, and I therefore await with great interest the results of the process which, I understand, will find its conclusion at the Commission's Jubilee Session in 1997 at which time the Commission will adopt a declaration on the strengthening of economic cooperation in Europe. This declaration will define the strategic directions of future activities of the ECE, taking into account the needs and priorities of economic development of the countries in transition as well as budget capacity.

Your task will not be easy but it is essential and I therefore urge you to seize the opportunity before you. An ECE which reflects new realities and needs is an ECE which can play an ever meaningful and productive role, thereby building on its past successes, successes of which I am keenly aware and deeply appreciative. It is an ECE open not only to the concerns of its member countries but also, because of the responsibility of those countries in the

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evolution of world affairs, and their degree of scientific development, an ECE open to the concerns of countries of the world. In other words, the leading role played by the commissions in the development of norms which are now becoming global has to be pursued.

I understand that the current session of the Commission is a step on the way to its fiftieth anniversary, but the first steps are important as they set the direction which will be followed. In particular, I note that you will be discussing the strengthening of economic cooperation in the ECE region as well as ECE's cooperation and partnership with other organizations active in the ECE region. Cooperation among countries and people is a permanent aim of the United Nations and you can contribute successfully to it in your region.

I have also noted that a round-table discussion will be held with the participation of personalities from the world of politics and the business sector on the selected theme: "Cooperation and sustainable industrial development". I welcome this initiative which is in line with the efforts I have taken to further strengthen the links of the United Nations with the world at large.

In concluding, may I again wish you every success, both at this session and in your efforts to tailor an ECE which will continue to meet the future needs of its Member States.

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For information media. Not an official record.