The following statement was issued today by the Spokesman for UN Secretary-General António Guterres:
In progress at UNHQ
Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, Special Envoy for Yemen, has put out a statement responding to the killing of six women and a girl, as well as the wounding of dozens of people as a result of an alleged air strike that hit a funeral in the Arhab District of Sana’a Governorate on Wednesday afternoon.
David Shearer, Head of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), sounded the alarm over the lack of information about 20,000 internally displaced people on the west bank of the Nile in the country’s north. The Mission believes they fled Wau Shilluk to Kodok, as fighting between Government and opposition forces has expanded and shows no signs of abating.
The United Nations Support Mission in Libya is following with concern the reported formation of parallel military forces under the name “National Guard” and their deployment in Tripoli and surrounding areas. Special Representative Martin Kobler called for a united army under civilian control with a clear chain of command.
The Secretary-General is deeply concerned about the ongoing tensions and intensification of the fighting in eastern Ukraine. He appeals to all parties to fully observe the ceasefire and allow for immediate humanitarian access.
The recent dangerous uptick in fighting seen in eastern Ukraine had left hundreds of thousands of civilians at risk of losing all access to water, heat and electricity, a particularly worrying development given the current plummeting winter temperatures, the Security Council heard this afternoon.
UNICEF launched an appeal today for $3.3 billion to help nearly 50 million children in 48 conflict- or disaster-affected countries. The appeal seeks to provide access to safe water, nutrition, education, health and protection in Syria, Yemen, Iraq, South Sudan and Nigeria, among others.
The following Security Council press statement was issued today by Council President Olof Skoog (Sweden):