In progress at UNHQ


At least 34 United Nations and associated personnel were killed in malicious attacks while on duty in 2018, according to the annual report of the UN Staff Union’s Standing Committee for the Security and Independence of the International Civil Service. It is among the lowest casualty rates of the last five years.

The UN mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) is conducting an operation to restore order in Bambari, Ouaka Prefecture, in coordination with the country’s security forces.  The operation is in response to attacks by Union pour la paix en Centrafrique against the local population and peacekeepers.

The conflict in eastern Ukraine continues to take a toll on civilians, with more than 5 million people affected and 3.5 million people in need of aid.  The 2018 response plan is only 38 per cent funded and disbursement of $162 million urgently needed for 2019 is now crucial as winter temperatures drop.

The Ministry of Health of the Democratic Republic of the Congo announced today that the first ever multi-drug trial for the treatment of Ebola has begun.  World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus called it an important step to finding a treatment that will save lives.

In Paris, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization is having three days of events to mark World Philosophy Day, including a Night of Philosophy, a presentation of digitized philosophy archives and a talk about Barbara Cassin, initiator of the International Network of Women Philosophers.

Briefing the Security Council yesterday, the Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs said that there has been little progress in talks to end the fighting in Ukraine, with the conflict now in its fifth year.  She said that the Minsk Agreements form the only agreed framework for a negotiated peace in east Ukraine.

The Indonesian Government has confirmed that 1,234 people have died following last week’s earthquake and tsunami in Sulawesi, the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs reports.  United Nations agencies and others are on the ground or en route to the affected areas to provide assistance and assess needs.