STOCKHOLM, 3 June — Financing for environmental action must be massively scaled up, diversified and quickly disbursed if countries are to stand a chance in reversing the business and policy trends that have long degraded their natural ecosystems, delegates said today during the third and last leadership dialogue held alongside the Stockholm+50 international meeting.
In progress at UNHQ
STOCKHOLM, 3 June — The international community must urgently transition from unsustainable patterns of consumption and production to circular economic models that promote reusability and reduce waste, speakers stressed as the Stockholm+50 international meeting concluded today, also expressing support for a binding international treaty on plastic pollution.
STOCKHOLM, 3 June — A green economic transformation that diversifies foodways and creates sustainability jobs is crucial, experts and activists from around the world emphasized, as they gave their clear-eyed assessments of the opportunities and perils of pandemic recovery in a leadership dialogue alongside the “Stockholm+50” international meeting.
STOCKHOLM, 2 June — Warning that the impact of humanity’s ecological footprint is becoming increasingly unsustainable, world leaders gathering in Stockholm today recommitted to urgent collective action to address the triple planetary crisis of climate change, environmental degradation and pollution, and create a better future for all.
STOCKHOLM, 2 June — Unless action is taken now, younger generations will inherit a planet that is “broken and unliveable”, civil society speakers from across the globe warned world leaders today, as they engaged in a leadership dialogue alongside the Stockholm+50 international meeting.
Following are UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ remarks to the Stockholm+50 international meeting today:
Humanity continues to do more harm than good to nature, with the planet facing multiple existential threats requiring urgent corrective action, speakers and panellists today told the Preparatory Committee for “Stockholm+50: a healthy planet for the prosperity of all — our responsibility, our opportunity”, the international environmental conference scheduled for 2 and 3 June 2022 in Stockholm, Sweden.