In progress at UNHQ


Marking International Day to End Violence against Women, the Secretary-General reiterated the United Nations commitment to end all forms of violence against women and girls, which are among the most horrific, persistent and widespread human rights violations and affect one in every three women in the world.

With Bangladesh expecting its first monsoon of the year in the coming weeks, the United Nations refugee agency is ramping up emergency preparations and training of Rohingya refugees as first responders.  Last year, more than 740,000 refugees fleeing Myanmar into Bangladesh experienced their first monsoon.

In Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh, the first monsoon rains are affecting hundreds of thousands of Rohingya refugees.  The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is rushing more aid, including thousands of tents to give emergency shelter, for some 60,000 refugees in areas at risk of landslides and flooding.