Press Conference

A larger role for the State was needed to ensure that the high growth rates of African economies translated into more jobs and less poverty for its citizens, two United Nations officials said today as they launched the 2011 Economic Report on Africa.
The tenth session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues would give delegates an opportunity to review more than 200 recommendations made over the last decade in discussing such issues as the role of indigenous peoples in the sustainable development debate, Forum Chair Mirna Cunningham said at a Headquarters press conference today.
Financial indicators for 2011 were encouraging, with 29 Member States having paid in full all assessments due, said Angela Kane, Under-Secretary-General for Management, at a headquarters press conference today. Briefing correspondents on the United Nations financial situation and joined by Assistant Secretary-General and United Nations Controller Jun Yamazaki, Ms. Kane said that unpaid assessed contributions totalled $3.2 billion.
Officials of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) released a report at Headquarters today which identifies promising ways in which the world can mitigate and adapt to climate change while following more sustainable, resilient patterns of urban development.
At a press conference to launch a United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) report entitled "Decoupling Natural Resource Use and Environmental Impacts from Economic Growth", Programme Executive Director Achim Steiner said that, despite the "dramatic numbers" contained in the report, the picture painted for the future need not be bleak.
Governments were seriously examining ways to avoid a “regulatory void” in the event that the Kyoto Protocol was allowed to lapse without a new replacement mechanism in place by December 2012, Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change said at a Headquarters press conference today.