Following are UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ remarks, as delivered, at the informal meeting of the General Assembly Observance Ceremony in Commemoration of United Nations Day, today:
In progress at UNHQ
Observances (fr)
Official observances
Following is UN Secretary‑General António Guterres’ message on World Cities Day, observed on 31 October:
Following are UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ remarks at the United Nations Day concert, in New York today:
Following is UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ message on UN Day, observed on 24 October:
Following are UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ message on the International Day of Rural Women, “Building Rural Women’s Resilience in the Wake of Covid-19”, observed today:
Following is UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ message on World Food Day, observed on 16 October:
Following is UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ message for World Statistics Day, observed on 20 October:
Following is UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ message on the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty 2020, observed on 17 October:
Following is the text of UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ video message on the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction, observed on 13 October:
Following is UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ message on the International Day of the Girl, observed on 11 October: