The International Civil Service Commission of the United Nations reported that at least 71 United Nations and associated personnel — 53 peacekeepers and 18 civilians — were killed in malicious attacks in the line of duty during 2017. The casualties in 2017 are the highest number ever recorded by the Commission.
In progress at UNHQ
United Nations Secretary‑General António Guterres announced today his decision to establish the International Commission of Inquiry envisioned by the Agreement on Peace and Reconciliation in Mali. He appointed Lena Sundh (Sweden), Vinod Boolell (Mauritius) and Simon Munzu (Cameroon) to serve as Commissioners and selected Ms. Sundh as Chair.
With the security situation in Mali taking a turn for the worse, and elections set to take place in April, the United Nations’ top peacekeeping official told the Security Council today that parties to that country’s Agreement on Peace and Reconciliation must redouble their efforts to implement its provisions and restore stability.
The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said today that ongoing violence in the Central African Republic has pushed forced displacement to the highest levels since the start of the crisis in 2013. Data as of the end of December show that 688,700 people were displaced internally.
The United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) reported that a patrol hit a suspected improvised explosive device in Kidal city, wounding one peacekeeper on 18 December. The incident follows four separate attacks against peacekeeping personnel and premises in Kidal on 15 December.
UNICEF released a report today that calls on world leaders to include specific commitments to protect uprooted children when drafting global migration policies. The call precedes the preparatory meeting on the Global Compact for Migration, to be held in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, from 4 to 6 December. The report is available online.
Newly released data from the International Organization for Migration show that almost half of all identified child trafficking cases begin with the involvement of a family member. According to the data, the extent of such involvement is up to four times higher than in cases of adult trafficking.
The following statement was issued today by the Spokesperson for UN Secretary‑General António Guterres:
The following Security Council press statement was issued today by Council President Sebastiano Cardi (Italy):
The following Security Council press statement was issued today by Council President Sebastiano Cardi (Italy):