The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) warns that at least 750,000 children could be cut off from safe drinking water after a surge in fighting in eastern Ukraine. Almost 3 million people in the country rely on water infrastructure which is now in the line of fire.
In progress at UNHQ
Staffan de Mistura, the Special Envoy for Syria, told reporters today that the United Nations is very concerned at reports of escalation, including alleged air strikes, at a delicate moment in the Astana discussions, where proposals to de-escalate the conflict are under very serious consideration.
The World Food Programme airlifted life-saving food supplies to drought-stricken Somalia today, for the most vulnerable people, particularly children. A Boeing 747 arrived in Mogadishu carrying 47 metric tons of high-energy biscuits, as well as critical medical supplies on behalf of the World Health Organization.
Ali Al-Za’atari, the United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Syria, urged all parties to grant immediate access to the besieged towns of Zabadani, Foah, Kefraya and Madaya, where 60,000 civilians are trapped by daily violence and deprivation. They have not received aid since 28 November.