In progress at UNHQ

Economic and Social Council

Recalling that civil society involvement in the 2010 Millennium Development Goals summit this past September had influenced the outcome of that gathering of world leaders, Nikhil Seth, Director, Office for ECOSOC Support and Coordination, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, stressed time management in the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations as the key to coping with the increasing enthusiasm of such groups wishing to work more closely with the United Nations.
Strategies that can help the world’s forests to promote social development, livelihoods and poverty eradication will be the focus of the United Nations Forum on Forests, which will meet from 24 January to 4 February. The Forum, which consists of all 192 Members of the United Nations, aims to emphasize the role and needs of people who depend on forests at a time when unsustainable practices and economic crises continue to threaten healthy forests.
This year would be an important one for the United Nations and its work around the world, and the Economic and Social Council would be an important actor in addressing the eight strategic opportunities identified by the Secretary-General as capable of reaping the greatest gains, Deputy Secretary-General Asha-Rose Migiro said today.