In progress at UNHQ

Economic and Social Council

ISTANBUL, 20 April — The 197 country members of the United Nations Forum on Forests concluded their two-week session in Istanbul, Turkey, with agreement on a series of measures aimed at improving sustainable management of forests and ensuring that forest issues will continue to have priority in the process to define the United Nations development agenda after 2015.
Amid sluggish global growth and declining aid flows, financing sustainable development would require significant funding from various sources, and the Economic and Social Council could play a crucial role in promoting a “forward-looking” development agenda to foster transformative change beyond 2015, Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson said today, as the 54-member body convened its annual high-level meeting with international finance and trade institutions.
Calling on Governments to recognize that forests and the socioeconomic benefits they provide were essential to human development, the United Nations forum working to build global consensus on implementation of forest-related agreements concluded its tenth session late this evening, also deciding to consider setting up a voluntary global fund to support sustainable management of all types of forests and trees.
ISTANBUL, 19 April — With crucial negotiations on global forestry issues headed into the final stretch, the chief of the United Nations Forum on Forests told reporters today that the intergovernmental body would wrap up its work in Istanbul having “broken new ground” on a range of measures to improve sustainable forest management.
New trends in global migration show considerable changes in the size, direction and complexity of migration, both within and between countries over the past 20 years, and the reasons behind that shift will be the main focus of discussion during the forty-sixth session of the United Nations Commission on Population and Development, to be held at Headquarters from 22 to 26 April.
While welcoming a 75 per cent increase in donations to the voluntary trust funds supporting the work of the United Nations Forum on Forests, the Director of that entity’s Secretariat stressed today that contributions needed to be scaled up in the coming year so the Forum could carry out its expanded mandate and take steps to remedy its “precarious” staffing situation.