In progress at UNHQ



Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali, while attending the Non-Aligned Summit meeting in Cartagena, Colombia, held numerous bilateral meetings. Following the inaugural session on Wednesday, 18 October, at which the Secretary-General delivered his address, the Secretary-General met the President of Algeria, Liamine Zeroual. They discussed the elections in Algeria and the question of Western Sahara. On Western Sahara, the president promised all help in furthering the process of implementation of the settlement plan for Western Sahara.


Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali arrived in San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina on Sunday evening, 15 October. On Monday morning he attended the inaugural ceremony of the Ibero-American Summit meeting, including the hoisting of the Ibero-American flag and the United Nations flag. That was followed by the first working session, where the Secretary-General delivered his address (see Press Release SG/SM/5767/Rev.1).


Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali arrived in Port-au-Prince on Saturday afternoon, 14 October, for a two-day visit to Haiti. He was greeted at the airport by the Prime Minister, Smarck Michel, and Foreign Minister Claudette Werleigh, as well as his Special Representative in Haiti, Lakhdar Brahimi.