Following are UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s remarks at the ceremony honouring United Nations staff victims of the Rwanda genocide, in Kigali today:
Following is the text of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s video message for the seventh session of the World Urban Forum being held in Medellin, Colombia, from 5-11 April:
Following is the text of the address by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to the National Transitional Council of the Central African Republic, in Bangui today:
Following is the text of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s lecture, as prepared for delivery, on “The Czech Republic and the UN: Peace, Development and Human Rights in a Changing World”, at Charles University, in Prague today:
Following are UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s remarks on climate change at Policy Spotlight with Friends of Europe, as prepared for delivery, in Brussels today:
Following are UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s remarks, as prepared for delivery, at the Roll Back Malaria-African Union Breakfast on Health in the Broader Development and Post-2015 Agenda, in Brussels today: