Security Council: No name

Declaring “peace is never smooth”, the senior United Nations official in Afghanistan assured the Security Council today that precious ground gained in taking the war-torn country’s transition and national reconciliation processes forward would not be undermined in the wake of last week’s shocking assassination of leading Afghan peace negotiator Burhanuddin Rabbani.
Palestinian and Israeli positions remained far apart after a week of “intensive diplomacy”, but the existence of some “building blocks” — a clear timetable, expectations that the parties must put forward proposals and an active role by the Quartet — could make negotiations more effective, the senior United Nations political official told the Security Council today.
Reconciliation, arms control, transitional justice and the welfare of migrants were just a few of many challenges facing Libya’s transitional authorities, Under-Secretary-General B. Lynn Pascoe told the Security Council today, but he expressed confidence that they could be overcome with assistance provided from the new United Nations mission in the country.
In a meeting addressed by the Secretary-General along with Heads of State and Government and other high officials of its members, the Security Council this afternoon expressed its determination to enhance the effectiveness of the United Nations in preventing the eruption of armed conflicts, their escalation or spread when they occur and their resurgence once they end.
On 19 August 2011, the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1737 (2006) on Iran revised its guidelines for the conduct of its work in order to incorporate the relevant provisions of resolution 1929 (2010).
Pointing to the approach of general elections in Liberia and recognizing the “significant challenges” that remained across all sectors there despite the efforts of the Government in national reconciliation and recovery, the Security Council this afternoon extended the mandate of the United Nations Mission in the country (UNMIL) for one year, until 30 September 2012.