In progress at UNHQ

Security Council: No name


Relentless settlement building, threats to annex land and change the status quo of holy sites, along with worsening conditions in Gaza and persistent violence — including during civilian protests — all threaten to destroy the tenuous peace process between Israelis and Palestinians, delegates told the Security Council today.


On 12 September 2019, the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1970 (2011) concerning Libya, met with a delegation from the Libyan Investment Authority (LIA), an entity subject to the assets freeze measures imposed in resolutions 1970 (2011) and 1973 (2011), as modified by resolution 2009 (2011).


With winter fast approaching, funding and supplies will be essential to meet the growing needs of Syria’s people, a top United Nations humanitarian official told the Security Council today, laying out the extensive challenges confronting aid workers working tirelessly to reach civilians with life-saving assistance.


While the situation for many people in South Sudan remains bleak, a year of relative peace has kick-started a process of transformation that is improving lives, with one-time enemies coming together to chart the way forward for the world’s youngest nation, the Secretary-General’s Special Representative in that country told the Security Council today.