The Security Council today renewed its authorization of the European-led multinational stabilization force (EUFOR-Althea) in Bosnia and Herzegovina for another year, while urging parties there to proceed with forming a Government and to refrain from any polarizing unconstructive policy, action or rhetoric.
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Amid a raft of recent rapprochements and revitalized peace processes in the Horn of Africa, the Security Council — fresh off the heels of a visit to the region — must do more to support women peacekeepers and civil society leaders on the front lines of conflict, the 15-member organ heard today.
More than 35 speakers today continued the call for accelerated progress towards women’s empowerment in conflict situations, as the Security Council concluded its open debate from last week on the women, peace and security agenda.
Expressing deep concern over social and political unrest in Guinea-Bissau, the Security Council, in a presidential statement (document S/PRST/2019/13) today, called on all actors in the country to preserve stability and to respect directives of the African Union and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).
The United Kingdom’s presidency of the Security Council in November will highlight the importance of reconciliation in peacebuilding, and the plight of individuals in ongoing situations of concern around the world, that country’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations said at a Headquarters press conference today.
A recent election in Kosovo — characterized by high voter turnout and the victory of unconventional, opposition candidates — marked the most significant shift in the political landscape in more than a decade, the top United Nations official there told the Security Council today, while also touching on the long‑stalled deadlock between Kosovo and Serbia and a recent security incident involving two peacekeepers.
Welcoming the political transition and the launch of a countrywide peace process in Sudan, the Security Council today decided to extend the mandate of the African Union‑United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) by one year, until 31 October 2020.
The Security Council decided today to extend the mandate of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) for 12 months, until 31 October 2020.
Briefers and delegations welcomed a growing strategic partnership between the African Union and the United Nations in matters of peace and security at the Security Council today, while calling for measures to bolster the effectiveness of that cooperation.
Free, peaceful and transparent elections in 2020 are key to a stable future in Burundi, the Security Council heard today, as members diverged on whether the country — now emerging from its 2015 political crisis — still merits a place on the organ’s agenda.