The Security Council is beginning a new month “at a time of immense global turbulence”, its President for March told a Headquarters press conference today, while outlining a programme of work that leaves space for additional meetings on the evolving situation in Ukraine, as needed.
In progress at UNHQ
Security Council: No name
On 14 February 2022, members of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 2206 (2015) concerning South Sudan were briefed by the Coordinator of the Panel of Experts on South Sudan in connection with the Panel’s workplan for mandate in pursuance of Security Council resolution 2577 (2021) of 28 May 2021.
The situation in conflict-ravaged Ukraine is dire, the top United Nations officials for humanitarian affairs and refugees told the Security Council today, as they outlined the need for increased aid amid the violence and mass forced displacement unleashed by the Russian Federation’s military offensive.
Syria’s declaration of its chemical weapons programme still cannot be considered accurate and complete due to identified gaps, inconsistencies and discrepancies that remain unresolved, the United Nations disarmament chief told the Security Council today, as delegates, including from the Russian Federation and the United States, sparred over the fact-finding mission’s report.
The Security Council decided today to renew for one year the arms embargo on Yemen, as well as the travel ban and asset freeze against those threatening peace in that country.
The following Security Council press statement was issued today by Council President Vassily A. Nebenzia (Russian Federation):
The Security Council, at its fourth meeting on the situation in Ukraine in the last week, called an emergency special session of the General Assembly in the next 24 hours at which the world body can decide whether to use armed force, when necessary, to maintain or restore international peace and security.
Meeting today amid the unfolding crisis in Ukraine, the Security Council rejected a draft resolution intended to end the Russian Federation’s military offensive against that neighbouring State.
The international diplomacy needed to spur humanitarian and early recovery efforts will be more precarious against the new backdrop of military operations in Ukraine, the top United Nations official on Syria warned the Security Council today, as he briefed members on recent developments.
The Security Council today renewed the mandate of its committee monitoring implementation of a resolution that aims to prevent non-State actors from acquiring nuclear, biological and chemical weapons and their means of delivery, as Council members debated the technical nature of that renewal after its unanimous adoption.