The following statement was issued today by the Spokesman for UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon:
In progress at UNHQ
Secretary-General: Press Release
Following is UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s message, delivered by Lenni Montiel, Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development, to the eleventh session of the Internet Governance Forum, in Jalisco, Mexico today:
Following is the text of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s video message to the Arab Knowledge Summit, in Dubai, today:
Following is UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s message, as delivered by Tadamichi Yamamoto, Special Representative for Afghanistan, to the sixth Ministerial Conference of the Heart of Asia-Istanbul Process, in Amritsar, India, 4 December:
The following statement was issued today by the Spokesman for UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon:
The following statement was issued today by the Spokesman for UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon:
Following is the text of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s video message to the United States summit on female genital mutilation (FGM), in Washington, D.C., today:
Following is UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s message for International Anti-Corruption Day, observed on 9 December:
Following is UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s message for World Soil Day, observed on 5 December:
Following is UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s message for International Volunteer Day, observed on 5 December: