The Security Council’s programme of work for December would include a high-level event on Iraq chaired by United States Vice-President Joe Biden, an open debate on resolutions 1820 (2008) and 1888 (2009) — both on “women, peace and security” — as well as a briefing by the Chair of the 1737 Committee on Iran sanctions, Ambassador Susan Rice of the United States, Council President for the month, said today at a Headquarters press briefing.
In progress at UNHQ
Press Conference
The recovery of the world economy had started to lose momentum since the middle of 2010, and all indicators pointed to weaker global economic growth, according to a new United Nations report, “World Economic Situation and Prospects 2011”, part of which was released today at a Headquarters press conference.
Prosecutors from some 20 countries affected by terrorism were meeting at Headquarters from 1 to 3 December to exchange information and best practices on how to bring terrorists to justice, the head of the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED) told correspondents today at Headquarters.
Despite positive developments in the Gaza Strip since the Israeli blockade adjustment in the wake of the 31 May attack on the relief flotilla, 80 per cent of the population was still aid dependent, the top United Nations official there said today at a Headquarters press conference.
About 4.5 million voters would be able to head to more than 11,000 polling stations in nearly 1,500 districts throughout Haiti to cast a vote in the 28 November presidential and legislative elections, the Secretary-General’s Special Representative told reporters at a Headquarters press conference today, via video teleconference from the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince.
Building a wide range of partnerships — in particular with the private sector — was critical to ending violence against women and girls, said participants that included civil society and corporate leaders at a Headquarters press conference today.
The international community must go beyond “business as usual” and develop a new international development architecture because current economic regimes had not worked in favour of least developed countries in the wake of the global financial and economic crisis, United Nations officials stressed during a Headquarters press conference today.
Looking ahead to December’s conference on climate change, in Cancun, Mexico, Assistant Secretary-General for Policy Planning Robert C. Orr said today that the international community could expect “concrete results” in some areas, but that there was no “silver bullet” for the climate challenge.
In an effort to bolster “intellectual social responsibility” for such global goals as promoting human rights, protecting the environment and ending wars, the United Nations had partnered with institutions of higher learning around the world in a new initiative called Academic Impact, Kiyo Akasaka, Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information, said today at a Headquarters press conference.
There is significant potential to be leveraged in the accelerated and sustainable industrial development of Africa, and many possibilities existed for tapping the continent’s vast potential, said speakers today during a Headquarters press conference on the occasion of the Africa Industrialization Day 2010, commemorated tomorrow, 20 November.