The Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) today sent 25 draft resolutions and 1 draft decision to the General Assembly, asking it to adopt significant management reforms — including the creation of two new departments focused on political and peacebuilding affairs and four stand-alone divisions for Africa — aimed at streamlining the Organization’s operations.
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The Economic and Social Council adopted a draft resolution on support to the remaining Non-Self-Governing Territories today, requesting that the specialized agencies and other parts of the United Nations system take steps to accelerate progress in the economic and social sectors of the Territories.
The General Assembly today concluded its debate on the responsibility to protect civilians, its first in nine years, with delegates continuing to wrestle with the extent to which States should step in to stop — and ultimately prevent — genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity.
The Economic and Social Council today adopted or approved for the General Assembly’s adoption 6 draft resolutions and 11 draft decisions, presented by its subsidiary bodies on a wide of issues, including drugs and crime, indigenous peoples and non-communicable diseases, as it resumed its coordination and management meeting.
After years of decreases, casualties from explosive hazards were on the rise, the Assistant Secretary-General for Rule of Law and Security Institutions told the Security Council today, as the 15-nation organ took stock of progress in implementing its first stand-alone text on mine action, resolution 2365 (2017).
The Security Council today renewed the mandate of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) for six months until 31 December, adding that there should be no military activity of any kind in the area of separation between Israel and Syria, including Syrian military operations and those conducted by armed opposition groups.
Unanimously adopting resolution 2425 (2018), the Security Council today extended the mandate of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) until 13 July 2018.
United Nations Peacebuilding Commission emphasized its convening role and the value of partnerships, as well as the need to improve coordination with the Council’s own activities in order to better advise the 15-nation organ.
The Security Council today extended its arms embargo, asset freeze and travel ban on the Democratic Republic of the Congo until 1 July 2019 and the mandate of the Expert Group assisting the Sanctions Committee through 1 August 2019.
Calling on the international community, the private sector and academia to share knowledge, expertise and resources to “prevent new technologies from becoming lethal terrorist weapons”, Secretary‑General António Guterres urged Member States to work in tandem to tackle ever‑evolving terrorist threats and uproot its main drivers, as the United Nations first‑ever High‑level Conference on Counter‑Terrorism concluded today.