The Security Council called today upon warring parties around the globe to implement concrete commitments to fight what many speakers described as the heinous, barbaric and all-too-often silent phenomenon of sexual violence during conflict.
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Protecting and partnering with the custodians of traditional knowledge must be an active part of the solution to climate change consequences for the benefit of all humankind, the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues heard today as its eighteenth session continued.
The highest-ranking official of the United Nations mechanism that acts as the central repository of information and evidence of war crimes and crimes against humanity allegedly committed in Syria described progress made collecting and documenting evidence, while also stressing the immediate and urgent need to prepare for justice, as the General Assembly took up the latest report on the matter today.
Traditional knowledge is at the core of indigenous identity, culture, languages, heritage and livelihoods, and its transmission from one generation to the next must be protected, preserved and encouraged, speakers in the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues stressed today, as they opened its eighteenth session.
Thanks to their education, millennials are much more attuned to environmental issues and can play a crucial role in creating a sustainable future, India’s representative said today as the 193‑nation General Assembly commemorated International Mother Earth Day.
Ministers and other high-level officials concluded the 2019 Forum on Financing for Development Follow-up today, pledging to scale up efforts towards the full and timely implementation of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda — a comprehensive set of policy actions adopted in 2015 to finance sustainable development through 2030.
Describing a “race to the bottom” in which multinational corporations enjoy lower and lower tax rates around the globe, delegates at the Economic and Social Council’s forum on financing for development follow-up today stressed that such practices are slicing deep into the funds countries need to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by their 2030 deadline.
The planned withdrawal of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) by 30 June 2020 is on track, but the political situation in Sudan has changed drastically and could affect implementation of the mission’s mandate going forward, the Joint Special Representative of the African Union and the Secretary-General for the country’s western Darfur region told the Security Council today.
Four years after the roll‑out of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, the gap in financing the Sustainable Development Goals has widened, the chief United Nations trade expert told the forum on financing for development follow-up today, as participants explored ways to mobilize domestic resources, curb corruption and create enabling environments for increased investment in their economies.
Endorsing a new international declaration on the critical role South-South cooperation plays in tackling sustainable development challenges, the General Assembly today adopted a related resolution and a package of other texts, including several recommended to it by its Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) and a draft on the Organization’s partnership with French-speaking nations.