Four years after their adoption, progress on many of the Sustainable Development Goals remains slow amid rising inequality, the impacts of climate change and the world’s most vulnerable people suffering the most, the United Nations High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development heard today as it began its fourth annual session.
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Meetings Coverage
The Economic and Social Council adopted a resolution today on the process for assessing the coherence of the United Nations development work, as delegates in its day-long integration segment explored how the system can more cohesively help Governments advance peaceful, prosperous societies.
The General Assembly today adopted 22 draft resolutions and 1 draft decision forwarded by its Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary), thereby authorizing an annual United Nations peacekeeping budget of $6.51 billion for the 2019/20 fiscal year and requesting the Secretary-General explore options to improve the Organization’s cash position.
Concluding the second part of its resumed session, the Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) today sent 22 draft resolutions and 1 draft decision to the General Assembly, asking it to authorize an annual United Nations peacekeeping budget of $6.51 billion and have the Secretary-General explore options to improve the Organization’s cash position.
The Security Council today renewed the mandate of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) for one year, requesting the Mission to respond to the deteriorating security situation in the country’s central region as a second strategic priority.
Concluding its 2019 substantive session, the Special Committee on Decolonization today approved draft resolutions on five Non-Self-Governing Territories, including one that would have the General Assembly encourage the administering Power of French Polynesia to recognize and compensate persons impacted by three decades of nuclear testing in the South Pacific Territory.
The General Assembly today adopted three draft resolutions: on assisting victims of terrorism, commemorating the anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development and on torture-free trade.
The Security Council, acting unanimously, today decided to extend for four months the mandate of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID), while also “temporarily and exceptionally” extending the period allocated for the mission’s drawdown.
The Special Committee on Decolonization today approved draft resolutions on self‑determination questions in eight Non‑Self‑Governing Territories, heard petitioners from the British Virgin Islands, Guam, and Turks and Caicos, and took up the question of French Polynesia and New Caledonia.
While the responsibility to protect rests with national Governments, the international community has a duty to act when States themselves are the culprits of ethnic cleansing, are unable to prevent genocide or cannot ensure accountability for war crimes, delegates told General Assembly today.