In progress at UNHQ

Meetings Coverage


Countries must embrace hard lessons learned over four decades of the HIV epidemic — including the need for human rights-based action focused on populations most at risk — as they confront the “colliding pandemics” of COVID-19 and its fallout, which threaten to derail crucial public health gains, ministers stressed during the second day of the high-level General Assembly meeting on HIV/AIDS.


The Economic and Social Council concluded its 2021 Management Segment today, adopting a series of texts forwarded by its subsidiary bodies which covered topics from the rights of indigenous peoples and support for Haiti, to the learning portfolios of venerated United Nations training and training institutions, while also reviewing reports on food security and financing for development.


The final judgement against Ratko Mladić by the Appeals Chamber of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT) is proof that perpetrators of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity will — sooner or later — face justice, no matter who they might be, the President of the Mechanism told the Security Council today.