Meetings Coverage


Outlining a brighter financial picture for the Organization than in recent years, the United Nations top management official told delegates of the Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) today that structural changes approved in June at their second resumed session have eased the need for spending restrictions.


Growing disparity between international standards and reality on the ground is generating mistrust between peoples and communities, experts told the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) today, as delegates expressed grave concern over the human rights situations in Ukraine, China, Afghanistan, Belarus, Myanmar, Ethiopia, Iran, Syria and Yemen.


Parties to the conflict in Yemen had yet to agree on extending their truce, resulting in fresh uncertainty and a heightened risk for violence, the United Nations top official for Yemen told the Security Council today as members urged all parties to the conflict, particularly the Houthi militia, to exhibit cooperation and flexibility, and return to the negotiating table.


While there is no direct link between climate change and conflict, the climate emergency is a danger to peace, especially in Africa whose high degree of vulnerability is exacerbating already existing risks, a senior United Nations official told the Security Council today as the 15-member organ debated whether it is the appropriate forum to address the matter.