
Resolve to Create More Sustainable, Inclusive World for Non-Self-Governing Territories, Secretary-General Urges at Opening of Regional Decolonization Seminar in Caracas

(Delayed in transmission.)

Following is UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ message for the opening of the 2024 Regional Seminar on Decolonization, in Caracas today:  

I am pleased to send my warmest greetings to all those taking part in the 2024 regional seminar of the United Nations Special Committee on Decolonization.  I thank the people and Government of Venezuela for hosting this event.

This year’s meeting puts the spotlight on the challenges and needs of Non-Self-Governing Territories.  Despite the climate crisis and the ongoing economic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic, Non-Self-Governing Territories have demonstrated resilience and resourcefulness.

Each Territory is unique, but they all need support.  Young people in particular must play a critical role in turning these challenges into opportunities.

The Special Committee will continue to assist the Non-Self-Governing Territories on their path to decolonization.  This seminar brings together Non-Self-Governing Territories, administering Powers and other stakeholders, C-24 members, other Member States and civil society.  It presents an opportunity to exchange ideas and build on accumulated experience to help the Territories prepare for present and future challenges.

As we look to the Summit of the Future in September, let us resolve to create a more sustainable, inclusive and resilient world for the Non-Self-Governing Territories and for all.

Thank you and best wishes for a successful meeting.

For information media. Not an official record.